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Author Topic: Dark prints when printing Epson ET-2850 with QImage  (Read 5543 times)
Posts: 5

« on: May 16, 2023, 10:11:05 PM »

I think Color managent is set alright with profiles for screen and printer Epson ET-2850.

I print with Epson Premium Luster Photo Paper and I use a profile from Northlight Images.
When I print through QImage the prints are about 3 stops darker then they should be.

Printing through Photoshop CC with same profile works fine  (and also Acdsee printing works fine).

Can you help me please finding the cause for the dark prints?

Since about a week I also own an Epson P700 and I print with Epson paper and Epson profiles and QImage works perfect!
Same version of QImage on the same computer...
Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2023, 06:16:33 AM »

Since about a week I also own an Epson P700 and I print with Epson paper and Epson profiles and QImage works perfect!
Same version of QImage on the same computer...

Obviously, Since all is well on one printer, but not so  on another printer, it tells you that a setting must be wrong for that printer. Since Qimage remembers settings, it will continue to use the incorrect setting/
So Mike will need a screen snap of the printer settings, (tab on the upper right), he would want to see the Information of tthe AI and printer settings. Click the gear wheel for that one.
t the driver settings.  See my samples.

Let's start with some info for Mike.
Posts: 5

« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2023, 07:39:53 PM »

Thank you for your help.

I found a workaround and decided not to put any more effort in this typical profile combination
with Qimage.   Other profiles/paper/printer work fine work fine Qimage and learning to appreciate the program (its not easy).
I tested the standard photo settings on the Epson ET-2850 one by one and found one that worked really well within Qimage
out of the box.  Shame because i paid for the custom profile I tried to get working.

You can close this.

Kind regards,
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