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Author Topic: DFS to the rescue!  (Read 5031 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 77


« on: October 30, 2012, 10:00:51 PM »

An old friend took some pictures of a friend playing in an orchestra, but in the dark, he ended up taking video instead of stills. Resolution was 640x480!!! He wasn't expecting perfection, but he really wanted to give some prints to his friend. Since the 2013 version of QU with DFS had just come out, I ordered it, and told him to send the videos, and I would do what I could. Even though it was the weekend, I had the update in 2 hours (thanks Mike), and started sharpening up the videos as best I could. They weren't up to my standards, but were much better than I could have done with USM sharpening. Made the prints and sent them off.

Received this from my friend:
"Good morning Jeff.  Your pictures are absolutely superb.  They have more clarity and detail than I thought possible and will be well received by the performers.  My camera mis-set is now diminished greatly.  What good luck to catch the new software on same day in a two hour window?  'Now that's pull' when partnered with your 60 years of camera and tech skills."

So QU saved the day, and even though the prints weren't something I would have framed, the people were recognizable, so they were thrilled. And my friend was so happy that his goof was salvaged, that he sent me a box of green beans and heirloom tomatoes from Virginia. So thanks QU and DFS!

Jeff Jessee

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2012, 10:27:36 PM »

Hi Jeff,
What a great story, than you for sharing it  Cheesy
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