Title: Difficult Image Post by: Jeff on July 01, 2014, 03:47:00 PM Hello All.
Image below is causing a bit of difficulty. Ok its not of a high standard :) First Image - You will see the fringing - on the birch tree line. Second Image - fill reduced to zero sc off, wb taken off sky, exposure on a small area of the sky, otherwise it lacks any detail due to over exposure, this results in the rest of image going dark, so QI gives it a fill of 12 and the sky blows out again, an hdr of 12 brings back the sky but causes the fringing. Nothing I can do in the Editor gets rid of the fringing. I am calling it 'fringing' but that is probably the wrong description. It is the actual very thin twigs on the top of the trees that are distorted. Jeff Title: Re: Difficult Image Post by: Fred A on July 01, 2014, 05:24:41 PM Jeff,
It sounds like you are not adjusting the exposure before you add or take away fill. Please send me the Raw. You have my email address,, and if it's too large to email, then use the FREE WeTransfer method. Fred Title: Re: Difficult Image Post by: admin on July 01, 2014, 09:31:09 PM Looks like HDR ghosting to me. The HDR slider basically breaks the tone curve up into two sections. The "vertex" where the two differing sections meet is changed by moving the HDR slider. Depending on the contrast of where sky meets treeline, you have to be careful about where you leave the HDR slider as it can cause abrupt transitions.
Bottom line: experiment more with the HDR slider. The solution is often to use significantly less HDR slider, or significantly more. Which to use is up to the image and personal taste. You can also alleviate the problem by picking better exposure grids to avoid the need for so much fill, etc. Sending the raw to Fred is a good idea. He can find a good balance and then show you what he did. Regards, Mike Title: Re: Difficult Image Post by: Jeff on July 02, 2014, 06:03:12 AM Thanks both.
Will send base raw to Fred prob. tomorrow, out all the rest of today. Thanks again Jeff Title: Re: Difficult Image Post by: Jeff on July 02, 2014, 03:58:59 PM Fred.
File should be on it's way via send space, connection speed this late in afternoon UK very slow!! (Long wire, rural area) Image is no big deal. But I have been requested images for a local Natural History group and this images shows the general view of site. It was in my reject list, but thought I would try and make something of it with the recent upgrades. I doubt they would notice a blown out sky, but I would/do and I always like to present my best effort. Especially as I always give credits to QImage. File is now 37% on its way, I will be interested to see what you can make of it. Regards Jeff Title: Re: Difficult Image Post by: Fred A on July 02, 2014, 04:02:25 PM OK Waiting
Thanks Title: Re: Difficult Image Post by: Jeff on July 02, 2014, 04:06:56 PM OK Waiting Thanks Now shows finished, should be in your mail box Jeff Title: Re: Difficult Image Post by: Fred A on July 02, 2014, 04:31:16 PM I got a DNG file. Is that what you sent?
Title: Re: Difficult Image Post by: Jeff on July 02, 2014, 04:36:12 PM I got a DNG file. Is that what you sent? Yes, IMG0856.dng I use .dng I think dng is slightly better than Pentax's raw format. jeff Title: Re: Difficult Image Post by: Fred A on July 02, 2014, 04:36:41 PM Got ti! Open in Qimage
Title: Re: Difficult Image Post by: Fred A on July 02, 2014, 05:00:24 PM Quote Image is no big deal. But I have been requested images for a local Natural History group and this images shows the general view of site. It was in my reject list, but thought I would try and make something of it with the recent upgrades Here's my first shot at it. There are at least 7 ways to approach this image and get decent results. If you must have clouds, then I do it differently, but since the sky is just a small sliver of the image, I wouldn't bother with the faint clouds. Just my opinion. Fred Title: Re: Difficult Image Post by: Fred A on July 02, 2014, 05:16:17 PM If you want with clouds, I have clouds!
Fred Title: Re: Difficult Image Post by: Jeff on July 03, 2014, 06:48:14 AM Fred
Thanks, Sorry I closed down abruptly last night. Was called to evening meal, and after a great quantity of wine was in no state to start up again. Your efforts appear to better than mine - no surprise there. Busy again to day, so will do a detailed check later, when guests have gone. could you send me the side car files? Jeff Title: Re: Difficult Image Post by: tonygamble on July 03, 2014, 09:44:06 AM Fred,
I'd like to see what you have done - but I guess I also need the DNG. Is it OK if I 'borrow' it Jeff? Tony Title: Re: Difficult Image Post by: Fred A on July 03, 2014, 09:45:34 AM Quote Thanks, Sorry I closed down abruptly last night. Was called to evening meal, and after a great quantity of wine was in no state to start up again. Your efforts appear to better than mine - no surprise there. Busy again to day, so will do a detailed check later, when guests have gone. could you send me the side car files? Side car file? Side Car files? You mean my filters!! Asking for Side Car files is tantamount to asking a waiter in a fancy French restaurant for some of their best "Grape Juice" Ok I'll email them in a moment. Just wanted to comment that I used an HDR setting of 2, a Fill of 15, after an exposure grid selection of 2,1 using the magenta box. (2,1 is top row, middle column) So you really don't need my qrs filter. Nevertheless, I'll send it and the flt filter. Mike had a look too, and inspected your image carefully. You called fringeing and Mike said that's what it was. Your lens was actually creating it and the FILL plus HDR showed it up more obviously. Turn off the HDR, and look at the image in Qimage's Examiner screen, and the fringeing is still there. Certain conditions of light and background and foreground combinations create the situation with which your lens is struggling. So you actually did fine. Fred Title: Re: Difficult Image Post by: Jeff on July 04, 2014, 07:40:56 AM Ok I'll email them in a moment. Just wanted to comment that I used an HDR setting of 2, a Fill of 15, after an exposure grid selection of 2,1 using the magenta box. (2,1 is top row, middle column) So you really don't need my qrs filter. Nevertheless, I'll send it and the flt filter. Mike had a look too, and inspected your image carefully. You called fringeing and Mike said that's what it was. Your lens was actually creating it and the FILL plus HDR showed it up more obviously. Turn off the HDR, and look at the image in Qimage's Examiner screen, and the fringeing is still there. Certain conditions of light and background and foreground combinations create the situation with which your lens is struggling. So you actually did fine. Fred [/quote] Well, what can I say, except again many thanks to you both for your efforts on the issue. I don't think my grey cells would understand the tech side, but it is most helpful to have the explanation. jeff Title: Re: Difficult Image Post by: Jeff on July 05, 2014, 08:19:41 AM Fred, I'd like to see what you have done - but I guess I also need the DNG. Is it OK if I 'borrow' it Jeff? Tony Hello Tony Just sent you the link by email. Jeff Title: Re: Difficult Image Post by: Jeff on July 05, 2014, 09:17:14 AM Final comments on this subject.
With the help from Fred and Mike and checking Freds side car files I can see where I got messed up. In effect I was trying too hard and complicating things and far from removing the fringing was actually emphasising it. The main point I think was your use of 'levels' I must give this function more attention in future. So all in all, from my point of view, this has been a most helpful exercise. Regards to all Jeff Title: Re: Difficult Image Post by: tonygamble on July 05, 2014, 09:41:03 AM What Levels did he use, Jeff?
Tony Title: Re: Difficult Image Post by: Jeff on July 06, 2014, 06:43:53 AM What Levels did he use, Jeff? Tony All images are on a separate computer, I will check the levels setting, and post later today. Jeff Title: Re: Difficult Image Post by: Fred A on July 06, 2014, 09:01:28 AM Quote All images are on a separate computer, I will check the levels setting, and post later today. Soakay, Jeff. I sent him the flt via email. Fred |