Unchecked the enable profile, retried, and everything worked perfect. Problem had been with all images, but all work fine now.
Well, Glad we got a winner for a change.
That's not the end of the story.
What WAS in the box before you disabled the profile? What was the name of the monitor profile that was enabled?
Where did you get it?
The answer might help other people.
You are on the right?
On the right? Which right? As I look, or from your eye standing in front of the camera?
The bearded man is a fake miner. He has a brand new shovel just for the camera.
The man in the middle is a manager of sorts and oversees the mine entrance and tourists.
He's too clean to actually work and has a pen in his pocket... The hard hats look shiny too, again for pictures.
Only the kid on the right actually does anything... He has dirty knees, and is smiling because it's payday, and he is off tomorrow.
Have a good time with your Qimage
PS. Instead of OFF for the Monitor Profile, at least slip in an sRGB.icm which you will find came with Qimage.
If you can't find it, holler and I'll send it to you.