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Author Topic: Downsizing for the web with QU  (Read 17631 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« on: February 02, 2013, 04:28:49 PM »

A week or so ago I said "There is a bit of a halo under the table on the web image but I put that down to the web conversion by BreezeBrowser and not the fault of PWP"

To which Terry replied :-
Why use Breezbrowser to downsize for web? QU with  DFS (no sharpening halos)  does a much better job.
I find QU is a "one stop shop" for most image tasks.

I tried it today and felt the images were a bit soft. I use BreezeBrowser to build my web pages. For the large image I tell BB to go for 900x900 pixels as this fits most of the screens I see and it adds USM of 1.0 and 1.5. That will be where the halos come from.

I tried Terry's idea. I used the Create Web Size copies in QU and created 900x900 images. I then made a web folder in QU with it set at 900x900 but with no USM. Those are the images I felt were a bit soft.

Am I supposed to add more DFS in QU before I Create Web Size images?

If so how can I preserve the filters I created for the folder as a whole with what I feel are the right DFS settings (varying from one image to another sometimes)?

If you say I should, maybe, use 10 and 400 for my DFS on the Web size images I can see how I should apply it to the whole of the folder. But how do I get back to my earlier DFS settings?

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2013, 04:38:04 PM »

Those are the images I felt were a bit soft.

Hi Tony,
Terry has guests today, so I'll fill in for him.
Terry also mentioned that you can control the downsize sharpening in Qimage.
So make the image the way you had it and the way you liked it.
The Antialias slider is probably on medium. Set it to LOW... and redo the web size copies. See attached snap!

That should be better. Mine is there all the time.  If you have Printer setups saved, those hold the Antialias settings from before, so you might want to RESAVE with the slider on LOW.

Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2013, 06:08:01 PM »

Thanks Fred.

Snag is I find them too soft.

This is converting to an 85% jpg and letting BB downsize to 900x900 and use USM of 1 and 1.5


Here I altered that antialias slider to LOW. I let QU downsize to 900x900. I then used BB with USM of 0 and 0


My USM figures are Radius and Amount of course.

My DFS is 5 and 100. Should it be a lot more?

Any more thoughts?

« Last Edit: February 02, 2013, 06:10:00 PM by tonygamble » Logged
Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2013, 06:24:51 PM »


I guess my problem is not using enough DFS. With it at 4 and 300 I get this with BB using no USM


I have tended to let BB sharpen my web images and QU deal with any extra needed in its Sharp Sharpening when printing.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2013, 06:28:09 PM »

Sorry Tony,
I have no idea what Breeze Browser is doing here.

Please send me the image is full size before downsizing.
Qimage will outperform BB making downsized copies. That's why Mike added the Anti Aliasing to satisfy both ends; the very very sharp, and the folks who like clean images without artifacts.
If I had the image, I could easily see what you are trying to do.

Here I altered that antialias slider to LOW. I let QU downsize to 900x900. I then used BB with USM of 0 and 0

What is this?  Qimage downsized to 900 x 900 and then you used Breeze Browser to do what?

You better wait for Terry. I think he may understand your modus operandus better than I.

Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2013, 06:43:44 PM »

"What is this?  Qimage downsized to 900 x 900 and then you used Breeze Browser to do what?"

This is the Breeze Browser HTML creation box.

You can see if offers me USM for the Main Image and I have set that to 0 and 0.

I'll send you a RAW to see what I am working with.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2013, 08:16:12 AM »

Hi Tony,
This is converting to an 85% jpg and letting BB downsize to 900x900 and use USM of 1 and 1.5
That looks a little over-sharpened to me as does the one "with it at 4 and 300 I get this with BB using no USM". But that is a matter of taste.
This is the Breeze Browser HTML creation box.
I reckon BB is re-processing the image to make the HTML version regardless of whether the image is the required pixel size in the first place. I think it's re-saving the jpeg too, which will degrade an image.
Is there any way you can upload the QU 900x900 version direct to you web site gallery and avoid BB altogther? In other words, create an empty template on the web site and then upload the images?
Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2013, 08:47:04 AM »


If I put in 9999 x 9999 in the BB box it uploads a full size image. I use that for supplying high res images to my Club magazine.

I'll try that with a 900 x 900 one later this morning.

Yes, I guess I could avoid BB altogether but I have become so comfortable with it that I am reluctant to change. I am on the jAlbum email list and look at their offering from time to time. So much of it is fussy and slow and tricksy. My BB stuff may not be elegant but it works quickly and I am not using it as a sales tool but more of a scrapbook or notice board.

I'll try the 9999 trick later using the 900 QU images.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2013, 09:14:44 AM »

Hi Tony,
I am on the jAlbum email list and look at their offering from time to time. So much of it is fussy and slow and tricksy.
I use PBase, quite cheap and simple I am on the jAlbum email list and look at their offering from time to time. So much of it is fussy and slow and tricksy.
I usually upload 800 pixel images which is "Original" on my galleries. The other sizes, medium etc., are downsized by PBase; at one time "medium" was 800 pixels but they seem to have changed that to 400 pixels.
I could avoid BB altogether but I have become so comfortable with it that I am reluctant to change
I can well understand that  Wink
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2013, 11:00:56 AM »

Hi Tony
Thanks for sending the images
OK got them...
I ran them through Q as I see them.
WB corrected in the REFINE screen. (Big correction)
One tick down on Fill


Into Editor
DFS  7/125
(Any more and the girl's faces are noticeably mottled)

Saturation increased to 25%

Any increase in contrast  loses the detail in the dark areas, jackets, etc.
Also blows out more white areas, bottle labels already blown.

The JPG is 900 x 675. I'll make a 900 x 900

The one with the lower ISO is a tad less noisy.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2013, 11:15:39 AM »

Help me out here!
I am looking at the posted images. On my screen, they are about 9.5 inches x 7.0. How is that 900 x 900?

900 x 900 I can make, but there will be cropping.

Let me know.

Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2013, 12:20:17 PM »


This is my downsize box in QU set to supply 900 x 900

This is the resultant file with BB showing the resultant image

The image is not cropped. I have just let QU convert it and rather than making it 900x900 it has made it 900x676

I'll now let BB work on those two files with it set as 9999 x 9999 as per my earlier post and see if that does what Terry wanted which is not to manipulate the jpg


Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2013, 12:34:36 PM »

And this is setting my BB to 9999 x 9999.

I cannot see any real difference.


When I get a chance I'll try Terry's web creator.


PS. Thanks for those jpgs, Fred. I'll look at them in a moment. I just wanted to explain this 900x900 thingie and the fact that it coverts the whole frame without a crop in QU
« Last Edit: February 03, 2013, 12:36:12 PM by tonygamble » Logged
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2013, 12:35:32 PM »

This is my downsize box in QU set to supply 900 x 900

It doesn't work like that!
It means that makes either side 900 x whatever the aspect ratio. That's why you get 900 x 675
You must crop square to get 900 x900
I had to reduce the quality to make it fit the forum limits, but this is only to show size.
This is 900 x 900

Sr. Member
Posts: 373

« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2013, 12:38:42 PM »

No Fred,

I don't want a 900 by 900 image.

I want 900 to be my maximum side as it suits the browser better.

And that seems to be what I am getting.

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