Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => Qimage Ultimate => Topic started by: Jules on November 20, 2013, 02:11:49 PM

Title: Edit Page error
Post by: Jules on November 20, 2013, 02:11:49 PM
I have been having trouble using the Edit Page feature in Qimage. I load some pictures on to the page to be printed, then when I click on the Edit page icon I get this error. http://www.flickr.com/photos/zitzerman/10961660693/
This morning I got it again and then realised there was an update from Vs 115 to 126 and i installed this update. I now have got this error again. it is very annoying and stopping me from organising my printing pages properly. Have you any idea why this is happening please? I am running W7. Using an Epson 7890.

Title: Re: Edit Page error
Post by: Terry-M on November 20, 2013, 02:47:07 PM
Hi Jules,
I load some pictures on to the page to be printed, then when I click on the Edit page icon I get this error. http://www.flickr.com/photos/zitzerman/10961660693/
That is very weird, I certainly can't repeat it. Is there a URL embedded in an image somewhere, or a shortcut behind the QU screen do you recognise the web page? I see it's a screen shot from QU.
That's the best I can do at present. It's certainly not a QU problem.

Title: Re: Edit Page error
Post by: Fred A on November 20, 2013, 03:27:46 PM
is morning I got it again and then realised there was an update from Vs 115 to 126 and i installed this update. I now have got this error again. it is very annoying and stopping me from organising my printing pages properly. Have you any idea why this is happening please? I am running W7. Using an Epson 7890.

Are you sure the image file is clean and not corrupted. I can see it came from Photo Shop. Maybe some embedded colorspace that belongs to something else?


Title: Re: Edit Page error
Post by: Jules on November 20, 2013, 04:29:30 PM
Thanks for getting back to me Fred. There were lots of files on the page when this happened Fred. I will look into whether any were strange color spaces but i don't think so. I do all my work in PS and export to print in Qimage as .psd files normally but I have had this error happened quite a few times in the past. I will have a close look at the individual files from today.

Title: Re: Edit Page error
Post by: Fred A on November 20, 2013, 04:34:55 PM
Just for the heck of it, save one of the files that gives the error message as a TIF  instead of exporting as a PSD.
See what happens.
