Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => Qimage Ultimate => Topic started by: Fred A on December 20, 2012, 06:56:18 PM

Title: Email with Floating Text
Post by: Fred A on December 20, 2012, 06:56:18 PM
Merry Xmas to all, and Happy Hanukkah too.

A few hours ago, I received an email that said (paraphrased), Too bad that you can't make an email photo with floating text!!

I said HUH?
My usual response to an academic interrogatory......

Why not just ask how can I put floating text on an email and email it with the text?

1) Set up your image for an 8 x 10 print, and go into Page Editor and do your Floating Text
2) Back to Main screen, and go to FILE, PRINT TO FILE.
3) Make a print using the dot in RGB. That will create an image file with the text.
4) Right click on that Thumbnail and Email your picture with text.

Have fun


Title: Re: Email with Floating Text
Post by: Jeff on December 21, 2012, 07:14:48 AM
Well now, that method is what I tried and am sure I have used in the past.

But, some where I got in a mess with my profiles and colours went to pot.

So, being in a hurry I said sod it and used Elements 7 and then passed through Qimage.

Some thing was wrong with my previously used profiles as prints were also off.

Have since created new profiles and all seems to be OK.

As always problem was me!


Title: Re: Email with Floating Text
Post by: Terry-M on December 21, 2012, 08:15:44 AM
Hi Jeff & others,
But, some where I got in a mess with my profiles and colours went to pot.
For e-mail etc. it's best to put a dot in the sRGB option as Fred said. You certainly don't need a printer profile.
See screen shot below.
If you want to make an image with some other profile, say Adobe RGB, then use the printer profile setting BUT you must set that as the printer profile in Job Properties.