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Author Topic: ENUFF!  (Read 19202 times)
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« on: July 27, 2010, 10:19:57 AM »

Hello everyone!
Don't you think that is ENUFF!
Just over the past couple of years I have lost my Sonic Record Now software, and was told that Roxio bought them out. My remedy, buy Roxio Suite 11.
CS4 owners were treated to the news that CS4 will no longer get RAW Camera updates; CS5 only.
W7 removed all ability to run DOS programs that my wife has used for years.  They never asked me first.
MS has discontinued support on many Windows versions as time marches on.... even though you might have bought Windows ME with expectations.

Not going to dwell or make a big list for you, but Mr. Chaney OWNS and operates ddisoftware.
It's his company. It's his mind and brain and soul inside if Qimage, whether it be Lite, Pro Studio, or the new Ultimate.

Some one wrote earlier that he really didn't need Qimage. He just bought it because it printed better. He then added that he was loyal to do that.
Isn't that sort of a paradox?

None of the companies I mentioned above, nor any others that I have come across over the years has ever asked me before they deleted my software, my favorite TV shows, or even moving my favorite baseball team away.

It's a business decision!!

The fact that Mike Chaney has opened his heart and soul to you to try to explain they whys and wherefores is a testament to his humanity and his genuine caring for his customers and the integrity of the products he offers.
Otherwise, he would post his new program, policies, and discounts, and you can just get used to it.

Over the years, yes, over the years counts!  That's called a track record.
He has listened and responded with special detail to certain printing and packaging problems that some pros were having trying to make a smoother work flow.
The Canvass wrap, the book binders position layouts, being able to print prints larger than possible using the printer driver, embedded color space for printing by outside vendors..... on and on....

He has never turned a deaf ear to anyone, nor ever let you down with a poorly designed, or less than the best routine.

I am about done.
Whether you buy Ultimate for all of it's new features, the main one being Lightning Raw, or just for printing, even a fresh start at 89 bucks is a bargain.

My final comment has to do with the economy.

Since at a ratio of 10 to one, so many felt compelled to draw and quarter Mike who has never treated anyone badly,
Flay him, skin him, boil him in oil, and in general lose all perspective of who you are and who he is, and without realizing that Mike has not hidden behind anonymity, I must say, you have given me the answer to the proper economic policy for the future.

I am going to invest all my money in TOILET PAPER!
With you people around, there will always be a shortage!

Good luck,
Nothing further from me on anything but helping anyone that needs help!


Sr. Member
Posts: 440

« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2010, 12:47:53 PM »

Fred said -
I am going to invest all my money in TOILET PAPER!
With you people around, there will always be a shortage!

and exactly what does that add to the discussion Huh?

Best wishes,

Posts: 23

« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2010, 12:59:13 PM »

Add Apple to that list. iTunes automatically applied an upgrade to my iPhone 3G. Not it runs slower than anything. It's almost unusable. Now I have to decide whether to upgrade to the new Apple hardware, or go with a different brand and possibly a different carrier.

JB Haber

(Go Terps!)
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4293

« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2010, 02:35:41 PM »

Add Apple to that list. iTunes automatically applied an upgrade to my iPhone 3G. Not it runs slower than anything. It's almost unusable. Now I have to decide whether to upgrade to the new Apple hardware, or go with a different brand and possibly a different carrier.

Lightening it up a bit here, my vote is go Android!  We have four iPhones in our household and two have failed with hardware issues, each in about a year and a half.  Apple's solution: we'll be glad to sell you a new one at $500 (not even mentioning that you can get one for $200 if you renew your AT&T contract).  That plus the fact that Apple came out with a defective iPhone 4 that, even if it worked, is still only a marginal improvement, added to my severe dislike for iTunes, led me to get an Evo 4G on Sprint.  I wanted to explore the possibility of writing apps for Android anyway so it was a no brainer for me.  What I didn't expect was how much I'd like that phone!  I was a bit worried about Sprint coverage because I'm in a "fringe" area until I found out that Sprint and Verizon share cell towers.  Sure enough, I get better service with Sprint than I ever did with the AT&T and the iPhone: I can use the phone in the doctors office (quietly on 3G) Smiley because I actually have a signal and I can use it inside stores like Best Buy where the iPhone has zero signal.  But that's just the reception side.  I am ecstatic about how much better the Evo 4G is than our iPhones in general!  The screen is finally big enough to see while the phone is only marginally bigger (no wasted screen real estate like the iPhone).  I can just click and drag my MP3 files from my Windows media center folders right to the phone, and I can even play all the MP3's from Windows Media Center through wifi in the house, which means while around the house, I have access to my entire library of MP3's that I access via all the computers and my Xbox 360.  Want a ringtone?  Just drag an MP3 or a WAV file right to the ringtones folder.  On the iPhone, you have to convert it to some Apple format, try to get iTunes to accept it into it's "library", connect the phone, sync it, then it won't let you sync without either wanting to delete apps or sync those too.  Can't just sync ringtones alone.  And you'd better not have plans that day if iTunes decides it wants to back up your phone and you make the mistake of letting it do that!

Anyway, I find the Evo a brave new world without limitations.  I now realize how restrictive the iPhone really is and I'm really enjoying all I can do on Android.  If you want to look at some good Android phones, there's the Evo 4G on Sprint or the Droid X on Verizon right now.  They're both great.  I prefer Sprint due to the lower prices and I also lean toward the Evo 4G just because I like the interface and the "soft" buttons on the front rather than the "push" buttons on the Droid X.  I'm paying about $20/mo less for the exact same service as I was getting on the iPhone... minus the poor reception.  Wink  Oh, and when you get a firmware update on an Android phone, you get a message on your phone that the firmware is ready to install.  You click on the phone, and 5 minutes later you are done.  No computer needed.  Beats spending half a day trying to update the iPhone through iTunes!  One final observation: all of our iPhones (we have 2G, 3G, and 3GS... not buying into the iPhone 4) would continually get into a state where 3G data would stop working.  They'd generally work for maybe a day but then when you go to use the browser and you have full 3G bars, it just hangs.  Rebooting the phone always fixed the problem.  I think it's a bug that Apple never acknowledged.  Same thing happens with push notifications.  They work for a few hours and then just stop.  Have to cold boot the phone to get them working again.  I never have problems like that on the Evo.  Never have to "reboot" it and the 3G just always works.  In fact, AT&T claims they have the fastest 3G network but I don't see it.  The Evo is faster on 3G than my iPhones ever were.  The iPhones seem to "stutter" on 3G.  Load a little, wait, load a little, wait.  The Evo is just smooth and seems to load faster.  And that's when both phones are getting a full 3G signal.

My 1 cent...

Hero Member
Posts: 766

WWW Email
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2010, 03:51:39 PM »


Well said.

All I would add, is where else would we have direct access to a listening Product Chief Programmer?

One of the best things about the Q stable is this Forum and it's most helpful members.


Sr. Member
Posts: 440

« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2010, 04:37:59 PM »

may be of interest to i-phoners http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/07/feds-ok-iphone-jailbreaking/
Jr. Member
Posts: 74

« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2010, 10:28:33 PM »

I resisted the temptation to buy an I phone. I currently use  blackberry on AT&T. (Reception with AT&T sucks). While the blackberry is a wonderful phone and it integrates very well with my enterprise requirements, people expect more from a phone these days such as the ability to use a web browser  and navigation tools which is not very good on a blackberry. And my eyes are getting older and I can't see the screen :-(  I just put in my order to change to Verzion and an Android. I got the HTC Incredible but may exchange if for a DroidX if I don't like the HTC. Although the HTC has a smaller form factor which may sway my decision.

I really hate Itunes. I use Media Monkey to transfer my music to my ipod and never open itunes. The only reason I have an ipod is because it integrates nicely into my car's navigation system :-D. I do however us a macbook pro. I have a choice at work between a thinkpad and a macbook pro. The macbook powers up and down quickly and in general runs faster and never locks up compared to the think pad.

Add Apple to that list. iTunes automatically applied an upgrade to my iPhone 3G. Not it runs slower than anything. It's almost unusable. Now I have to decide whether to upgrade to the new Apple hardware, or go with a different brand and possibly a different carrier.

Lightening it up a bit here, my vote is go Android!  We have four iPhones in our household and two have failed with hardware issues, each in about a year and a half.  Apple's solution: we'll be glad to sell you a new one at $500 (not even mentioning that you can get one for $200 if you renew your AT&T contract).  That plus the fact that Apple came out with a defective iPhone 4 that, even if it worked, is still only a marginal improvement, added to my severe dislike for iTunes, led me to get an Evo 4G on Sprint.  I wanted to explore the possibility of writing apps for Android anyway so it was a no brainer for me.  What I didn't expect was how much I'd like that phone!  I was a bit worried about Sprint coverage because I'm in a "fringe" area until I found out that Sprint and Verizon share cell towers.  Sure enough, I get better service with Sprint than I ever did with the AT&T and the iPhone: I can use the phone in the doctors office (quietly on 3G) Smiley because I actually have a signal and I can use it inside stores like Best Buy where the iPhone has zero signal.  But that's just the reception side.  I am ecstatic about how much better the Evo 4G is than our iPhones in general!  The screen is finally big enough to see while the phone is only marginally bigger (no wasted screen real estate like the iPhone).  I can just click and drag my MP3 files from my Windows media center folders right to the phone, and I can even play all the MP3's from Windows Media Center through wifi in the house, which means while around the house, I have access to my entire library of MP3's that I access via all the computers and my Xbox 360.  Want a ringtone?  Just drag an MP3 or a WAV file right to the ringtones folder.  On the iPhone, you have to convert it to some Apple format, try to get iTunes to accept it into it's "library", connect the phone, sync it, then it won't let you sync without either wanting to delete apps or sync those too.  Can't just sync ringtones alone.  And you'd better not have plans that day if iTunes decides it wants to back up your phone and you make the mistake of letting it do that!

Anyway, I find the Evo a brave new world without limitations.  I now realize how restrictive the iPhone really is and I'm really enjoying all I can do on Android.  If you want to look at some good Android phones, there's the Evo 4G on Sprint or the Droid X on Verizon right now.  They're both great.  I prefer Sprint due to the lower prices and I also lean toward the Evo 4G just because I like the interface and the "soft" buttons on the front rather than the "push" buttons on the Droid X.  I'm paying about $20/mo less for the exact same service as I was getting on the iPhone... minus the poor reception.  Wink  Oh, and when you get a firmware update on an Android phone, you get a message on your phone that the firmware is ready to install.  You click on the phone, and 5 minutes later you are done.  No computer needed.  Beats spending half a day trying to update the iPhone through iTunes!  One final observation: all of our iPhones (we have 2G, 3G, and 3GS... not buying into the iPhone 4) would continually get into a state where 3G data would stop working.  They'd generally work for maybe a day but then when you go to use the browser and you have full 3G bars, it just hangs.  Rebooting the phone always fixed the problem.  I think it's a bug that Apple never acknowledged.  Same thing happens with push notifications.  They work for a few hours and then just stop.  Have to cold boot the phone to get them working again.  I never have problems like that on the Evo.  Never have to "reboot" it and the 3G just always works.  In fact, AT&T claims they have the fastest 3G network but I don't see it.  The Evo is faster on 3G than my iPhones ever were.  The iPhones seem to "stutter" on 3G.  Load a little, wait, load a little, wait.  The Evo is just smooth and seems to load faster.  And that's when both phones are getting a full 3G signal.

My 1 cent...

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