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Author Topic: Error on startup - trial edition  (Read 4570 times)
Posts: 5

« on: May 22, 2023, 11:07:41 PM »

I just downloaded the 14-day trial edition of Qimage Ultimate (not sure of the exact version number) and I am getting an error upon starting the app.  I used the defaults during install as a normal user and I have multiple printers with a non-windows managed default printer (I explicitly set the printer - ET-8500 - as my default before launching/installing).

On startup, I get the following error: "Exception EInOutError in module Qimage.exe at 00AFDAFD - I/O error 362" and the app crashes. 

Am I missing something?  Or, do I need to change some settings to allow it to run?  I'd really prefer to try it out before plopping down $90.

Thanks in advance!
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2023, 11:46:25 PM »

That is a general error indicating that something is blocking Qimage from reading/writing to locations where it should have access.  First try starting Qimage while holding the Shift key:
continue holding the Shift key until Qimage opens.  This will reset all settings and will clear up any problems that have arisen due to corrupted settings.

If that does not help, please try disabling any antivirus/antimalware software temporarily to see if that fixes the issue.  If it does, you can add an exception for Qimage in your AV software.

Finally, make sure you installed Qimage correctly: if you are installing under a limited (non
admin) account, be sure to run the installer under the limited account and enter the admin password.  That is, do not install under a different (admin) account and then actually use it under (switch to) a limited account as this will cause premission issues.

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2023, 12:32:43 AM »

Also, if you still have trouble after the above, please reply with the version number you are running and a screenshot of the error message showing the error address.

Posts: 5

« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2023, 07:16:27 PM »

I've tried what you have suggested, including reinstalling as my normal user.  I still see the same issues.  As requested, I'm attaching screenshots of the error dialogs.
Also, the installer image says: qutrial23-113.exe  I "THINK" I've attached the proper screenshots.

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2023, 10:03:14 PM »

Yes, those are the screenshots I needed.  Sometimes I can tell by the appearance of the error dialog where it is coming from but an I/O error 362 is not even a valid error number.  Two other people have reported the same error within the past month or so and when I sent them the reply (my reply above), they both replied in a similar fashion saying "Thanks.  That fixed it."  Or "I managed to fix it".  I reached out to both of them to ask what steps actually fixed the problem but neither replied.

The error address seems to point to a function that reads EXIF data from image files so it is possible that Qimage is encountering an image file with a corrupted header that is broken in such a way that is bypasses all my error trapping.  Unfortunately image headers (particularly TIFF headers) can be as complex as being their own computer code that runs and can create its own errors outside of Qimage.  Long story short: this error is so rare and untraceable that I don't really have any other info and it is not repeatable.  The problem seems to originate outside of Qimage such as from a corrupted image or antivirus program that is blocking Qimage from reading some files.

Usually holding the Shift key while starting Qimage will make the problem go away because that resets everything and points Qimage at your "Pictures" folder.  Unfortunately if the corrupted images are in the standard Windows Pictures folder, this may not help.  The only things you could try is:

(1) Hold the Shift key while starting Qimage and keep holding until you see the first window or message.
(2) If that doesn't work, temporarily move all files out of your Windows "Pictures" folder and then start Qimage while holding the Shift key as above).  See if Qimage starts with that empty Pictures folder.
(3) If neither of the above work, you could temporarily disable your anti-malware programs to see if those are interfering: try starting Qimage with those turned off.

This error is so rare and elusive that if you try the above and manage to figure out what step(s) solved it for you, I'll give you that $90 copy of Qimage for free.   Cool

Posts: 5

« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2023, 06:03:12 AM »

That sounds like a fun challenge!  Accepted!

I've already tried the "hold shift while starting" per your directions in the first reply, also I've tried (also using the shift key) with my virus/malware/firewall disabled, so the only other thing to try is purging the "Pictures" folder.  It's possible there could be some cheezed-up files there since I've copied some of them a few times back-and-forth between my local host and my NAS; I wouldn't be surprised if something got whacked in one of those transfers (but they all do load in other software successfully)... regardless, I'll empty that folder and re-try in the morning.

Just a thought... I seem to remember that "Pictures" as well as a few other folders in a Winders home folder are also synchronized with OneDrive; could that be a potential issue as well?

Thanks, and I'll post a follow-up in the morning.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2023, 11:32:15 AM »

Everything with OneDrive is handled by Windows so even if the Pictures folder was syncing while Qimage was trying to read it, both operations are "read deny none" so they could open the files at the same time if needed and one would never know the other is involved since both are reading and neither should be writing.

Like you said, I think moving all files out of the Pictures folder and then trying Qimage with the Shift key held is the only thing left except a clean wipe of the Qimage installation files and reinstall.  If clearing the Pictures folder and starting Qimage with the Shift key held still shows the problem, the one last resort would be:

(1) Uninstall Qimage
(2) In File Explorer, type %appdata% in the address bar and press enter
(3) Locate the ddisoftware folder and delete it
(4) Go to the \ProgramData folder and if there is a ddisoftware folder there, delete that too
(5) Reinstall and try

Posts: 5

« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2023, 05:00:13 PM »

So, indeed, it turned out to be OneDrive.  At some point, I didn't refresh my OneDrive creds, so Onedrive went into a paused state.  Once I re-logged in so OneDrive could start syncing local files again, QImage came up successfully.  For sanity's sake, I cleaned out all the files in the Pictures folder after re-logging into OneDrive, just to be doubly safe, as well.  TLDR version: make sure OneDrive is logged in AND purge the Pictures folder.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2023, 01:59:23 AM »

Thanks for the research.  Where do you want me to send your free copy?  Do you want me to use the email address you use for the forum here?

Posts: 5

« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2023, 02:07:29 AM »

That works for me!  Thank you, sir!
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