The recent upgrades to Qimage Ultimate where noise reduction has been improved and the related data is shown in the raw refine screen prompted me to do a little test. Here are the results:
I took some photos of some items in a dark corner in my office at the highest ISO available on my camera, 12800.
I used this very high iso to exaggerate the effects and make it visible on the small attached images.
The first exposure was with zero exposure compensation, the second with plus 1-1/3rd stops increase to move the camera histogram to the right.
See attached images below.
"Under exposed", QU pushed 12800 iso to 43460 with 10/10 noise reduction for Grain & Chroma
"Increased Exposure", QU pushed 12800 iso to 17940, with 10/10 Grain and Chroma noise reduction.
You can see the difference that "increased" exposure makes to the noise results in the processed image; one is poor, the other useable. I hope this is helpful to some of you, to improve technique to get the best quality from your camera and QU.

PS. I obtained the camera histogram from the jpeg extracted from the raw. The raw histogram is, of course, modified by QU