Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => Qimage Ultimate => Topic started by: Martin van Gog on March 09, 2019, 03:10:08 AM

Title: External Viewer
Post by: Martin van Gog on March 09, 2019, 03:10:08 AM

Is there (a hidden) option to open a external viewer, for instance FastRAWViewer, after completing a Flashcard Copy/Move operation.

If not I'll post it in the 'wish-segment' of this forum

with regars, Martin

Title: Re: External Viewer
Post by: Fred A on March 09, 2019, 10:53:36 AM
Is there (a hidden) option to open a external viewer, for instance FastRAWViewer, after completing a Flashcard Copy/Move operation.


It is all in Qimage ....  simply put the images in the queue, and right click on the large view in the center of the screen.
Select SLIDE SHOW and you have a viewer.
 A second metod would be to use the tool in the Utility menu that says ,  PHOTO EDITOR SETUP. After you found the program you want,  click RUN photo Editor.
A third that I use a lot is best shot selector.
Select as many thumbs that you wish to view/ inspect, Then right click on any thumb and choose best shot selector. I get two at a time and the click for next. I can use the mouse to magnify or reduce.
Best, Martin.