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Author Topic: Eyedropper Tool needs attention.  (Read 5356 times)
Full Member
Posts: 224

« on: August 08, 2013, 03:34:36 PM »

It always reads the Unfiltered version no matter how much of a change is made in the Editor - or if it is Saved?  (e.g. Exit Editor > Main Window > back into Editor and same Eyedropper values show there as if no change was made?)

Co-ordinates show as 2411 2384 in both screenshots I've attached.  On "Eyedropper 02.jpg" the Red was boosted to 3.15 from 1.15 and the RGB stays at 219 195 173 in both images?  Even upon Editing?  Huh?

This is seriously messed up if I have to always go back into Photoshop to alter the image, rather than use the Qimage Ultimate Editor, to see any change in the numbers.  One would think the QU Editor would show a change with the Eyedropper Tool as well.

 Angry  Angry  Angry

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2013, 04:17:42 PM »

You are, of course, referring to the eye dropper in the Image Editor Select Colour tab.
or if it is Saved?  (e.g. Exit Editor > Main Window > back into Editor and same Eyedropper values show there as if no change was made?)
No, you don't have to exit the Editor, just OK on the Editor preview and then use your mouse pointer to read the filtered RGB values.
I think there must be a good reason why the Sel Col eye dropper always reads the basic image data, ie. not filtered or affected by the monitor profile.

One possible reason is that when the eye dropper is used, it indicates the colour selected so you know which row to adjust. It's possible that if it read the filtered version, the wrong row could be indicated and you'd end up adjusting the wrong values and really get in a mess.
We need Mike to comment on this, I'm sure he'll spot the post  Wink
Full Member
Posts: 224

« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2013, 04:49:48 PM »

So the "Mouse Cursor" is what I need to use, and not the Eyedropper Tool to see any change?

Okay.  I just tried the "Mouse Cursor" alone and it shows a change in the Green and Blue values when I kicked the Red (R)up from 1.15 to 3.15 (RGB went from 255 196 182 to 255 147 160 - subtracting cyan, or adding red to the image in QU.).

And the Eyedropper Tool remains at 219 195 173 no matter what I do, short of going into Photoshop.  It only works for Unfiltered or Unaltered images and nothing to do with any edits made in QU.

Too bad there isn't a way to keep those QU co-ordinates locked so I can play in the Editor array and see what I am adding or subtracting.  Moving the cursor off the image looses the values to set them in the Editor's Col. Sel. array.  I have the old "Kodak Print Viewing Filter" set and when it looks better under Red, it isn't so easy to figure out "how much" since Kodak used CC numbers, inkjets use RGB (0-255), and QU has a whole different set (-100000 to +100000 or more?) I think.

Would be nice just to dial in some numbers in the array and see the "targeted co-ordinate point" hit a Pantone color like 243 207 179 (e.g. light Caucasian skin).  You can get there in PS by their Color Picker Tool (?) that remains locked on the co-ordinate spot and numbers change there when you force-change a color.  However, once sent out to the printer that can change so I prefer to tune it in QU rather than keep tweaking it in PS since I use a variety of printers and all are different profiles.

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