Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => Qimage Ultimate => Topic started by: Cloudscape Studio, LLC on December 04, 2022, 08:26:53 PM

Title: File Formats for Print Optimization?
Post by: Cloudscape Studio, LLC on December 04, 2022, 08:26:53 PM
I recently purchased an Epson ET-8550 and Qimage Ultimate. I'm looking for advice on how to optimize images prior to delivery to QU. I'm currently using Sony a7IV, RAW/ARW, then editing with Luminar Neo. Neo's export choices include JPEG and TIFF, as well as ProPhoto RGB color space. Without diving directly into editing with QU, what is the best file/color space to hand off to QU or does it make a difference? 

Title: Re: File Formats for Print Optimization?
Post by: admin on December 04, 2022, 09:30:01 PM
They will all work.  I usually use Adobe RGB color space: ProPhoto is usually overkill.  But if you do use ProPhoto, save with 16 bits/channel in a TIFF.

I have a Sony A7II and I just develop/use the raws directly in Qimage.  The raw refine tool along with ODR makes quick work of just about any raw photo and you don't really need any other software.  But if you choose to use other software to develop the raws, just go by the above.


Title: Re: File Formats for Print Optimization?
Post by: JustGeorge on December 04, 2022, 09:41:59 PM
The raw refine tool along with ODR makes quick work of just about any raw photo and you don't really need any other software.  </-snip->

I couldn't find the answer to this, I'm sure it's been asked-and-answered before, and this seems like a good place to ask again: is that a destructive or non-destructive edit?  And what about Fuji X-Trans files (just pondering the slight possibility of an X-T4 or 5)?


Title: Re: File Formats for Print Optimization?
Post by: admin on December 04, 2022, 11:33:51 PM
All Qimage edits (both raw and general edits) are non-destructive and they can be reloaded/changed at any time.  Most Fuji raws are supported but if you are looking for a specific model, the raw format support list is here:



Title: Re: File Formats for Print Optimization?
Post by: JustGeorge on December 05, 2022, 01:43:47 AM
Got it.  Thanks, Mike.
