Martin van Gog

Posts: 28
« on: February 12, 2019, 03:49:45 PM » |
I strive for a clean, clear data storage on my system. When I use the Adobe LightRoom & Photoshop plug-ins the files are placed in: Driveletter:\My Picures\{Qimage}..... and then the hassle starts.
There are two locations;
a: .. \[Qimage)\Export\date&time stamped folders + [LR] or [PS]
b: .. \Plugins\Export\date&time stamped folders + [LR] or [PS]
I want to solve this redundancy. So ONE folder, with optional sub-folders. And secondly, shorten the location path to: Driveletter:\{Qimage}\Folder-name\date&time stamped folders + [LR] or [PS].
Can someone help me out, where is the preference? (I'm new to Qimage)
with regards, Martin
Almere, the Netherlands
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2019, 08:26:24 PM » |
Qimage has an application data folder and you can choose the location of that folder. Under that folder will be folders that store things like saved setups, thumbs, cache, plugins, exports, etc. So you can move that overall appliation data folder: use the Utilities, Migrate/Copy option from the top menu in Qimage and it'll walk you through it.
If you have two folders as it seems you do, that means that at some point (possibly during install where it asks you where you want your application data folder), it was changed. So you have an "old" one and a "current" one. But Qimage only uses one location, but you can't pick subfolders separately under that overall application data folder.
Regards, Mike
Martin van Gog

Posts: 28
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2019, 06:06:54 PM » |
Thank you Mike,
With the help of your tip, I have been able to clear my folder hierarchy. But there is still a small problem. The results of a 'plug-in action' are deeply hidden in the folder hierarchy.
Driveletter:\My Pictures\{Qimage}\Plugins\Export\date stamped folders.
I would like it to be: Driveletter:\My Pictures\{Qimage}\Export\date stamped folders. That saves a lot of scrolling. Or is it possible in one way or another to mark: Driveletter: \ My Picures \ {Qimage} \ Plugins \ Export \ as 'Favorite'?
With regards, Martin
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2019, 07:13:56 PM » |
Qimage needs the folders under it's application data folder in that hierarchy. The change you propose only brings it up one level from where it is. But yes, you can add a favorite for that folder. In File Explorer, go to the plugins folder where the exports are stored and then right click on the "Quick access" link on the left side of File Explorer and select "Pin current folder to Quick access". If you don't see the Quick access folders, those can be displayed or turned off: check your "View" menu to activate it if it isn't activated already.
Regards, Mike
Martin van Gog

Posts: 28
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2019, 08:53:52 AM » |
Thanks Mike,
For your answer. But what I mean 'by Favorite', is there such function IN Qimage!
regards, Martin
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2019, 06:21:13 PM » |
Thanks Mike,
For your answer. But what I mean 'by Favorite', is there such function IN Qimage!
regards, Martin
Try "Utilities", "Explore Export Folder" from the top menu in Qimage. Mike

Posts: 1
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2021, 01:40:46 AM » |
Mike In backing up my qimage data folders, I discovered that the size of the folder was growing considerably.. and discovered some "random" 12 files in separate date folders, one in each folder accumulating over the last year. The files were printed with qimage, but produced on a different computer from which they were transferred to the PC with qimage. I do not have any plugins. These files are a small proportion of those printed. Why have they been appearing in the plugin/export folder? Thanks. R
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2021, 01:06:06 PM » |
You may have used "File", "Open File(s)". When you do that, it is similar to an export because the files you choose are put into their own folder so you can work with the specific selections.
Regards, Mike