I inadvertently checked the box that said (essentially) "don't have Quimate Ultimate check for monitor profile mismatches on startup." How to I re-enable that check when starting QU? I looked into every menu and submenu and couldn't find that option.
Hi Liz.
Your answer is probably one of the resets under HELP, but frankly, I shut that off many years ago as it was a PITA.
What it really did was to warn me that the profile I was attempting to use was different from the one I used last time with this setup.
I was making my own profiles at that time, and would try this new one and that routine would give me an argument.
Qimage still remembers the correct profile needed. My sure-fire method is to set everything properly, including the page orientation, and SAVE that setup under SAVE using the "P" button. Next time I want to use Epson Ultra Luster A3 size on my Canon printer, I just click recall, "P" button, and select my saved setup.
Right paper, type and size, right profile, etc etc etc.....
Mike has added a little undocumented gem along these lines.
The recall button, just to the right of the Properties button in the Printers and settings tab is locked to the P button so you don't have to remember to click it in RECALL.
By the same token, the recall button shown as a yellow folder top left of main screen, I right click the "J" button and make it the default for that button.
So If I want to recall a Printer setup, I start at the settings screen.
If I want to recall a JOB, I use the yellow folder button top left.
I will pass your question to Mike in case he remembers how.
