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Author Topic: Flash Card Copy Option  (Read 9436 times)
Full Member
Posts: 107

« on: September 22, 2018, 09:37:07 PM »

I purchased a new HP computer with Windows 7.  I have installed QImage 218.125  I am trying to get the Flash Card Copy Option to function.  All I get is a Nothing To Do response.  I have spent at least 3 hours trouble shooting with no success.  What am I doing wrong?

See the two screen shots.

Thanks,  Vlady
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4286

« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2018, 12:57:03 AM »

In the second screen shot, "File Type" is blank so there is no operation to perform.  When reading that table, read it from left to right.  For example, if the operations show:

Operation: Copy     File Type: Photos     To Folder: C:\Photos

The above reads "Copy photos to C:\Photos".

Since your File Type is blank, yours would read: "Copy nothing to C:\Users\Vladimir..."

So you just have to drop down and select the type of files you want to copy and that should do it.

Full Member
Posts: 107

« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2018, 01:52:36 AM »


Thank you very much.  So obvious, yet so opaque to me.

Full Member
Posts: 107

« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2018, 01:06:45 AM »

New Problem:  Copying RAW shots to Raw Folder works, but when developing the Raw and Sending them to Developed Folder the process freezes.

For example I took 116 Raw shots of fireworks.  The 116 shots were copied into the Raw Folder.  However, when the Raw shots were being developed and saved as JPGs the program "stopped" developing or was stuck at 113--the program was still operating and the symbol showing the processing was still going on was spinning, but nothing was happening even when I let the program run for ten more minutes.  So, I had to stop the program.  When I checked the folders there were 116 Raw photos in the Raw Folder, but only 113 photos in the Developed Folder. 

By the way I tried Copying and Developing several times.  I even shut the computer off.  Still the same thing.  I'm at my wit's end.

When I processed this card in July on an earlier Qimage 2018 all an smoothly.

Any help is welcome.

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4286

« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2018, 01:42:19 AM »

When you go into the raw folder and just wait for it to finish developing thumbs and cache, does it complete building all 116?  It's possible it is having a problem with a few of the raws and is unable to develop them for some reason: what camera are they from?  I wouldn't suggest auto-developing raws into JPEG's anyway using the Flash Card Copy/Move function.  That's more of a specialized function for building JPEG's for external programs that might not support raws.  If you are working on them in Qimage, just use the raw folder directly: the caching process develops them anyway and then you can use the refine tools on the raws.

Full Member
Posts: 107

« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2018, 02:22:59 AM »


I'm using a Nikon D3300.  I using Qimage Ultimate to copy the raw images to a folder on my computer.  After all 116 photos are copied to my file the Qimage Ultimate then develops the images and saves them as JPGs.  But it only does 113 of the Raw not the total 116.

The attached image in the above is not the setting.  I've changed that when I made the correction you suggested the following:

[Operation: Copy     File Type: Photos     To Folder: C:\Photos

The above reads "Copy photos to C:\Photos".]   

Tomorrow, when my eyes are less tired I will come back to this issue.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4286

« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2018, 03:04:28 AM »

I think I have a clear picture of the scenario.  What I'm suggesting is that you not have Flash Card Copy/Move develop and save JPEG's.  That is, open Flash Card Copy/Move and click Edit, Settings.  Then UNcheck the option that says "Develop raw photos after they are copied/moved".

That way, you can just navigate to the folder of raw photos and let QU build thumbs and raw cache for those raw photos: they will be developed as part of the raw cache building when the thumbs for the raw photos are built.  That way, you can work directly with the raws and (the point of doing this) find out if the problem that is occurring is the way the Flash Card Copy/Move function is developing them... or it is some problem with one or more raw files that got copied.

Simply put, there are two ways to develop raw photos:

(1) Let Flash Card Copy/Move develop them into JPEG's as part of the copying process (if that "Develop raw photos after they are copied/moved" setting is checked).
(2) Don't check that option and just navigate to the raw photos folder and let the QU main UI develop the raws during the thumb building process.

If one of those options works and not the other, it may be a bug in how Flash Card Copy/Move is developing the photos.  If they both stall at some point, one or more of the raws may be corrupted or incompatible in some way.

Full Member
Posts: 107

« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2018, 01:53:27 AM »


(1) Let Flash Card Copy/Move develop them into JPEG's as part of the copying process (if that "Develop raw photos after they are copied/moved" setting is checked).
(2) Don't check that option and just navigate to the raw photos folder and let the QU main UI develop the raws during the thumb building process.

I used both options.  In option (2) there were 116 raw photos in Raw folder.
When using option (1), during the developing phase the process got stuck on #113.  See attachment.  Bottom of screen in one line it states 97% and last line 113 of 116.

I checked the two sub-folders and found 116 in the Raw folder and only 113 in the Developed folder.

So, I noted the three missing images.  Then I reopened QU and processed the three images.  In other words, they were not corrupt in the Raw folder.

At this point, I'm not sure what is causing the Developing phase to get stuck at 113.  So, when I shoot raw in the future I will use option (1) and see if it gets stuck.  I will always have the Raw shots.  But most likely, when the JPG camera setting when I shooting unless it is something special.

Thanks for your help.

« Last Edit: September 25, 2018, 01:57:33 AM by vsteffel » Logged
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