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Author Topic: Floating text wishes  (Read 8970 times)
Posts: 3

« on: December 10, 2014, 09:20:45 PM »

I would like to add floating text to may of my printouts. There are two text blocks I would like to add, each one with a standardized layout (font, font colour and size) but different text. I would like to save those two layouts for easy susequent use instead of having to start from the beginning every time. I imagine i'm not the only one wanting this, so I hope it will be implemented soon.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2014, 09:55:11 PM »

I would like to add floating text to may of my printouts. There are two text blocks I would like to add, each one with a standardized layout (font, font colour and size) but different text. I would like to save those two layouts for easy susequent use instead of having to start from the beginning every time. I imagine i'm not the only one wanting this, so I hope it will be implemented soon.

This is already in Qimage.
Simply click on the last thumb called Template, (of course in the print size you are making), and enter the Page editor. Now add your two floating texts and position them.
Now say done in the page editor and back at the main screen top left area find save.... or click FILE and SAVE.
When the save box opens, click the "L" button for Layout. Name your layout Two Texts... or whatever, and Save.

Next time you need it, open CUSTOM from the print property box, and DOT layout. Find your layout by the name, and open.

You have it!!

PS To0 change the text, right click on the little blue dot at the text corner, and change the text.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2014, 09:58:48 PM by Fred A » Logged
Roy Sletcher
Posts: 47

« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2014, 07:10:47 PM »

I also appreciate your response Fred.

Indicates the value of this site.

I use the same features, and your answer has saved me from my clumsy method of cutting and pasting each time from a separate text file.

Many thanks for your dedication to this forum.

Not forgetting Terry who handles the night shift, metric equivalents, and any translations into English spelling  ;-)

Roy Sletcher

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