
Posts: 7
« on: February 09, 2022, 07:35:30 PM » |
I am back to printing after a Long pause, previously using Q versions from basic Q to Studio Q to early Ultimate Q to current Ultimate Q.
I have mostly used Freehand placement when doing Layouts of multi-image prints, and even for single image prints. When I have needed Rotation, it has mostly been for a 90-degree-Left or -Right image rotation adjustment.
Rotation Problem: Using the Manage Prints menu setting "Set Print Rotation (degrees)", value "-90 rotate left", flips the image 180 degrees to the left; value "90 rotate right", flips the image 180 degrees to the right. Using the "Crop/Rotate" box buttons, at the bottom of the "Prints" Tab, is similar.
No Q operation here produces a simple 90-degree-Left or -Right image rotation adjustment.
Never had a problem with the older Q versions, including early Ultimate. What am I missing here?
Thank you.
Fred A
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2022, 07:57:57 PM » |
I am back to printing after a Long pause, previously using Q versions from basic Q to Studio Q to early Ultimate Q to current Ultimate Q.
I have mostly used Freehand placement when doing Layouts of multi-image prints, and even for single image prints. When I have needed Rotation, it has mostly been for a 90-degree-Left or -Right image rotation adjustment.
Rotation Problem: Using the Manage Prints menu setting "Set Print Rotation (degrees)", value "-90 rotate left", flips the image 180 degrees to the left; value "90 rotate right", flips the image 180 degrees to the right. Using the "Crop/Rotate" box buttons, at the bottom of the "Prints" Tab, is similar.
I think I would need some more information to duplicate your issue. Need page size, print size, and how many prints on page? I am not having any problem rotating in Freehand mode on a Layout. Perhaps there isn't enough room on the page to rotate??? Fred

Posts: 7
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2022, 12:44:39 PM » |
Fred A,
Apologies. It has been a very long time, and a revised approach this AM is working out as normal of past, and your experience.
However I mis-configured my first approach, below, did produce the unexpected flip operation. More time on Q with my work projects will no doubt help.
FYI, the paper/screen size I am working with here is Super A3-13x19, with rough 8x10 and 5x7 image templates. Plenty of room to place and manipulate the images.
Thank you.
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2022, 01:00:40 PM » |
You would have to post a screenshot showing an example. The only time Qimage will behave as you describe is when it cannot fit the print on the page rotated 90 degrees. I think you are meeting some condition where the print won't fit if rotated 90 degrees but I'd have to see a screenshot to know why.
I'm also curious why you would be using Freehand for all your prints. Automatic placement of any size print(s) is the "magic" of Qimage: something it does that literally no other printing program can do.
Regards, Mike
Fred A
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2022, 01:06:43 PM » |
Super A3-13x19, with rough 8x10 and 5x7 image templates. Plenty of room to place and manipulate the images. Just curios! Why the templates? Templates are fine but generally are used when the print positions are to be the same from job to job with that set of positions. For example, I use templates for fancy Christmas cards with photo placements, monthly news letters, DVD labels specifically placed to matcg the label paper... etc. Sometimes, you are cleaner and will find it easier to work without templates. Screen snap shows a 15 degree tilt to a picture no template. Enjoy all new stuff in Qimage, and always someoneto help you catch up to speed. Fred

Posts: 7
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2022, 03:32:06 PM » |
Template - my misuse of your specific term. I refer to initial empty image frames of specific size(s) and a rough mental image of the printed format, based on the printed image size I want and and the size of the media. But, yes, I have created and saved some Templates in the past, where I want varying image(s), and perhaps fixed or variable text, to appear on the printed output with the same format for each printing.
More haze to work on here.
Thanks again.

Posts: 7
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2022, 07:51:06 PM » |
Sorry, overlooked your reply!
With the two images that would not rotate as expected, both required a simple 90-left or 90-right to appear upright. Both had plenty of room on the 13" side, roughly 8+ inches, with narrow horizontal images above or below.
The Set Print Rotation 90-degrees setting always flipped 180 degrees.
I switched to the Crop/Rotate buttons. Rotate flipped 90 degrees in the opposite direction wanted on its first press, a second button press gave a further 90 degrees in this opposite direction, and on the third press, which I expected to properly upright the image with a further 90 degrees turn, flipped the image 180 degrees!
I tried -90 and 90 degrees settings. Same odd results, but opposite direction.
After these failed attempts, repeated a second time, I filed a post.
I hope this better explains the issue encountered, but my AM rework has been positive and continues.
Freehand placement: many presentations work better when not centered, and the display rulers and specific automated settings are useful. Freehand is faster for trial images which often are final. I do the matting as well.
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2022, 02:28:24 AM » |
When you use one of the 90 degree rotations and you get 180 instead, there is always a reason why the print could not be rotated 90 degrees under the current conditions. A wide variety of things can cause that including linked floating text, mats, whether or not one print is on top of (or under) another, margins, and many other things. Qimage has so much functionality that there are millions of combinations, some of which can be edge cases and cause conflicts. That's why I wanted a screen shot showing the situation.

Posts: 7
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2022, 12:57:16 PM » |
Thank you. I fully understand the limitations here and appreciate the complexity of options within Q. Details below were at the planning stage: no margins or text constructs; large wide open paper space, with fully fitting image sizes and number of images. I've done this style and complexity of work in the past to successful completion, with hundreds of outputs.
There are more options now than past software. I must have chosen an option or series of options that triggered the observed behavior. That I was able to use the buttons to Crop/Rotate the image sizes through three flips exhibits that there was sufficient room for full rotation, which it was.
I've restarted a blank job here, same basic components and sizes, am progressing successfully, with full rotation and manipulation. It's OK that I'm back into relearning and retraining (there is never a charge for my work or finished output, the time is my own.) Thank you for keeping up this essential software.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2022, 12:58:55 PM by allebaug »