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Author Topic: Function "For new prints, add # copies" doesn't retain the number anymore  (Read 3627 times)
Posts: 2

« on: November 29, 2021, 02:41:18 AM »


In latests version of Qimage Ultimate, the function "For new prints, add # copies" doesn't retain the number anymore.

In the past it used to retain until we change it. Now it keep returning back to 1 after adding an image.

I have a templates for school photos that has eleven times the same picture. Each time I select "add 11" and add the studient, it returns back to 1. It's time consuming and it is obvioulsy a bug that I didn't have last year.

Thanks in advance.
Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2021, 12:43:32 PM »

In latests version of Qimage Ultimate, the function "For new prints, add # copies" doesn't retain the number anymore.

In the past it used to retain until we change it. Now it keep returning back to 1 after adding an image.

I have a templates for school photos that has eleven times the same picture. Each time I select "add 11" and add the studient, it returns back to 1. It's time consuming and it is obvioulsy a bug that I didn't have last year.

Thanks in advance.
Hi Phil,
I cannot find any difference between old version and new one. If I set 11 copies with or without a template, it does return to a "1" after it made the 11 copies in the queue.
Of course you remember that the template is not affected by number of copies as templates are automatically added as they are needed.
I tried last year's Qimage; same result.

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Posts: 4283

« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2021, 12:55:39 PM »

# copies doesn't change on its own.  If you change # copies to 11 and add an image, you get 11 prints of that image... and # copies stays set to 11.  Click the + on a different thumbnail and you now get 11 prints of that image too.  The only exception is a layout because # copies is part of the layout.

My bet is you are using a layout and you saved the layout with a "1" in the # copies.  In that case, whenever you get to a new page, it loads the layout again for the next page and it is loading the "1" stored inside the layout.

The solution: open the layout, change # copies to 11, and resave the layout.  # copies is a parameter stored in the layout for this very reason: so you can do packages and # copies is populated from the layout and set properly for that layout.

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