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Author Topic: Getting data to a new computer  (Read 6706 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 77


« on: May 15, 2011, 02:02:10 AM »

Fred or Terry, (or anyone)
Just got a new Win7 machine. The fast thumbs and raw is great, but am having a little trouble with moving data. I will just be moving about the last years worth of photos to the new machine, the others are backed  up on an accessable external drive. But I would like the logs and crops to match. Of course the trouble is, the pictures folder structure on win 7 is of course different (thanks, MS), so nothing can find anything. Is there a simple way to get this to work, without having to edit the files with a text editor?

Is maybe the easiest way to just create a folder structure on the new machine to match where "my pictures" are located on the old machine (XP), and ignore the new computers "my pictures folder"?

Jeff Jessee
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2011, 08:31:01 AM »

Hi Jeff,
I had the same problem last November and ended up not bothering about saved logs and other image related saved items. However, I still have a complete back-up of the C-drive of my old PC and can recover individual saved files and edit as required. I've done this a couple of times for print jobs but it's easier to start again in most cases.
I know Fred uses something like C:\Pictures so would have had no trouble when he got his new PC some time ago.
If you network your  old PC, you could use the QU  "Update" feature in Flash Card copy/move to move images to the new PC. This would deal with thumbs, raw cache, filters and possibly print crops. I'm not sure about the latter item.
When I acquired my new PC, I had my old one running in parallel and networked for at least a month while I got the new one fully operational.
Fred A
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« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2011, 09:58:06 AM »

s maybe the easiest way to just create a folder structure on the new machine to match where "my pictures" are located on the old machine (XP), and ignore the new computers "my pictures folder"?

Hi Jeff,

I have two friends who have let windows decide where to keep their photos.

They call me for some Qimage advice from time to time.

I usually like to have the same image on my screen too. Makes it easy to help.
"OK Fred" Gimmee a second and I'll Yahoo it to you.
My friend Wil never changed from Windows default...  something like C:\Users\Owner\Wil\My Documents\my Photos\Access Denied
and then says to me, Let me call you back.

When I saw (years ago) where Windows wanted my pictures to go, and now they added LIBRARIES, Uh Nuh!
Simple enough.
C:\Pics............ and then all the event subfolders.

Terry has it all correct. Sometimes you are better starting fresh.
When I got my last printer, it replaced my good old pal, the Epson 1280. It left me with dozens of saved printer setups...never mind all the jobs that were saved.
I tried editing the ascii text in teh saved files... too tedious, and I would miss something anyway.

Just make new saves, and enjoy the new machine.

That says it all.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2011, 12:24:52 PM »

Another thought.
Is maybe the easiest way to just create a folder structure on the new machine to match where "my pictures" are located on the old machine (XP), and ignore the new computers "my pictures folder"?
Yes, you can do that and then designate that as "My Pictures" because it's really a virtual folder.
In Explorer, right click on My Pictures,  select properties and the Location tab. You can designate the new location of My Pictures there; see screen shot attached.

From what Fred has said, I may bite the bullet and move my images to a new C:\Photos folder using QU Update feature and live with not having more recent saved jobs etc. (although I'd not delete them).
That would make future migrations much easier.
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