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Author Topic: Getting red Image Read Error with very large TIF files.  (Read 4724 times)
Posts: 3

« on: December 03, 2021, 03:22:01 AM »

Okay so this is not a new problem with Qimage U however I have a couple of questions.

I have a multi shot panoramic that has been upscaled by Topaz labs Gigapixel and then loaded into photoshop and the canvas enlarged for the gallery wrap.

I have done this tones of times with an older version of Qimage U which I purchased in 2020. However this is the largest TIF file I have ever used.

I have searched your database and I have made sure the TIF is saved with the appropriate settings in photoshop.

Current dimensions are 22668 px x 13200 px. It is being printed on an Epson 9570 with 44" wide on Epson Exhibition Canvas.

The file is 1.67 Gb.

Yes I get the dreaded red image read error when it tries to rebuild or even replace the file.

My question is will it still print ? Will the correct image be sent to the printer ?

I am not bothered about displaying the thumb on the page, all I want is the photo being sent to the printer with the correct settings and the full functionality of batch processing that Qimage U excels at.

Note I have just downloaded qutrial22-111.exe and the thumb gives the same error message.

I also may have a client looking for a 60" width on a larger printer :-)


Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2021, 02:29:27 PM »

If your file is 1.67 GB, that means it is a 16 bit/channel TIFF.  One thing you could do is reduce that to 8 bits/channel.  I did, however, try two TIFFs at the resolution you specified (in 16 bits/channel) and here's what I found.  If I saved the TIFF as an uncompressed TIFF, Qimage reported an image read error.  However, if you use an LZW compressed TIFF, it should work without issue.  The LZW compressed TIFF of the same resolution (and still 16 bits/channel) loaded and printed fine.

Posts: 3

« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2021, 03:51:09 PM »

Hi Mike,

Thanks for the quick reply.

I have tried a few things but think sometime is strange with my photoshop. I am using 22.5.3 photoshop and when I save the file in LZW compression the file gets bigger, from 1.67 gb to 2.3 gb. Plus it also gave the red error.

When I saved the file in PSD it was also 1.67 gb with the starting tiff size and this too gave the red error.

However I saved the file with ZIP compression and the file size went down to 1.56gb and the latest Qimage U was able to create a thumb and it viewed fine.

I am going to work now, and will try to print this weekend. Thanks for your help.

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2021, 09:15:30 PM »

ZIP is probably the way to go if you are using 16 bits/channel.  LZW doesn't do well with 16 bit/channel images.  It worked for me because I was using a test image that had a fair amount of solid background.

Posts: 3

« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2021, 09:40:51 PM »

Hi Mike,

Success, the file printed as a zip. Qimage u saw the file and created the thumb fine. The file was 1.56 Gb

Thanks for your support

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