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Author Topic: Globally brighten group of pics...  (Read 7313 times)
Posts: 33

« on: December 05, 2013, 05:23:27 PM »

Hi there. I'm back with a new printer. My ipf5100 heads clogged up so sprung for an ipf6400. No issues -- yet! Back to learning how to print again, though...

I'm about to try a roll of 24" matte canvas for the first time. I'm doing a 24 x 36" with a large b&w pic of a lake centred top to bottom, with about a 1" margins. Above and below it are 3 smaller pics of close-ups of brightly coloured leaves. I did a test print on semigloss 8 x 10 and it's darker than I would like.

Is there a way to brighten the entire image rather than having to do each pic individually?

Btw, I'm really liking this latest version of Ultimate!

Regards, Paul.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2013, 05:37:56 PM »

quote] I did a test print on semigloss 8 x 10 and it's darker than I would like. [/quote]
The usual reason for dark prints is due to the monitor being too bright. You adjust an image on the monitor so that affects the print indirectly.
Either adjust brightness as part of the calibration process (depends on software used or adjust brightness to match print and then calibrate to produce monitor .
But coming back to your question about brightening a set of images for printing, 2 ways.
Place images in queue, double click the first to open the image editor, brightness and OK and DONE. A dialogue will appear, put a dot in"Apply to all Images in the queue.
Or .. add some brightness as required to one image that has no other adjustments in the editor (double click thumb) then File, Save current parameter to file and use a meaning full name.
You can the set that as print filter; it's not seen on the screen and only affects prints. P Filter tick box is bottom right of the Job Properties tab.
Posts: 33

« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2013, 06:01:52 PM »

Hi Terry, thanks for that usful information. I'm using a LaCie 324i monitor and the Blue Eye Pro. I just finished re-calibrating the monitor in our new location. Thanks!

Regards, Paul.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2013, 08:31:09 PM »

Hi Paul,
I'm using a LaCie 324i monitor and the Blue Eye Pro
Does the Blue Eye Pro software allow you to set a luminance value?
My EyeOne 2 software does and suggests 125 Cd/Msq for an LCD Monitor. I now use 119 Cd/Msq to ensure prints match screen for brightness. The software uses the set value to as a target when I adjust the adjust the brightness before the actual calibration takes place. I use the native value of contrast (50%) for my Eizo monitor.
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