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Author Topic: hair pulling.  (Read 6609 times)
Posts: 25

« on: July 13, 2020, 03:00:34 AM »

Hello - I am just not understanding this color profiling. seems easy enough on paper, but when i put those settings in place everything is screwed up.

between turning on and turning off profiles, using the x-rite devise, Q image... I thought this would be all fairly easy.
I cant say if its the setting or the devises or the software..

I have a WIN-10 machine. CS5, Qimage, xrite istudio, pixma pro100.

Ive spent the last 3 days trying to print a reverence image with no profiles -  -  It wasnt until today i was able to get a print to come out that looked normal, in photoshop.. If I print the same image in Qimage, the color is so far off I cant even guess what color it is. ON SCREEN in Q it looks normal, the print looks like crap [I was expecting to see what I got from PS]. If I print the image through windows picture viewer it looks even worse, but it also looks normal in screen.

I spent the $$ to buy the i1 studio. This devise has proven to be worthless. The calibration doesn't seem correct. I also created a print profile with this i1-s. It doesnt make any difference either in the print output.

I have tried everything to have control over print output. Thus far its all been one big dud. NOTHING jives. All I want is when I hit print, the print should look like the screen.

if anyone could offer some step by step settings id greatly appreciate it.

regards, dw
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2020, 11:45:42 AM »

ve spent the last 3 days trying to print a reverence image with no profiles -  -  It wasnt until today i was able to get a print to come out that looked normal, in photoshop.. If I print the same image in Qimage, the color is so far off I cant even guess what color it is. ON SCREEN in Q it looks normal, the print looks like crap [I was expecting to see what I got from PS]. If I print the image through windows picture viewer it looks even worse, but it also looks normal in screen.

I spent the $$ to buy the i1 studio. This devise has proven to be worthless. The calibration doesn't seem correct. I also created a print profile with this i1-s. It doesnt make any difference either in the print output.

I have tried everything to have control over print output. Thus far its all been one big dud. NOTHING jives. All I want is when I hit print, the print should look like the screen.

if anyone could offer some step by step settings id greatly appreciate it.

OK, let's try to simplify and get on the right track.
First of all, what paper are you using?  Second, since you have a Pro 100 printer, that came with profiles.
Third, lets take a piece of Canon paper and select the correct profile for that paper, and select it in QU where it says Printer profiles; see screen snap.
Now set the driver. Set the Quality to highest it will go,1 is the highest. Depends on what paper you selected.
Set Color matching to NONE/ see attached screen snaps. Paper type and size match too.
Make a print!!!
If we start this way, it will work.   
I realize you  might have some sophisticated paper that you profiled, or the manufacturer supplied a profile.
We will tackle that later after you make a perfect print, this way.
Full Member
Posts: 186

« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2020, 03:11:49 PM »

I'd add something that worked for me. Download a known good test image and pay zero attention to your monitor. Print it as described above. If that goes properly and you get a good print, the monitor has to be adjusted to match that, not the other way 'round. I like the one here- http://www.outbackphoto.com/printinginsights/pi048/essay.html
Posts: 25

« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2020, 06:46:28 PM »

Thanks fred !  I got closer on your settings, but its still not close to what is correct.

Q keeps changing from print to print. It also doest not give me what photoshop does, or lightroom. Q also crops the image when it looks correct on screen. [im using 4x6 to save ink]. I only have Canon pro paper, so the profiles are all in there. The test image is what Jtoolman suggested. it is a 60mgb file.
Is it the profile that controls everything? ..or is Q acting strange?  thanks,  dw

ve spent the last 3 days trying to print a reverence image with no profiles -  -  It wasnt until today i was able to get a print to come out that looked normal, in photoshop.. If I print the same image in Qimage, the color is so far off I cant even guess what color it is. ON SCREEN in Q it looks normal, the print looks like crap [I was expecting to see what I got from PS]. If I print the image through windows picture viewer it looks even worse, but it also looks normal in screen.

I spent the $$ to buy the i1 studio. This devise has proven to be worthless. The calibration doesn't seem correct. I also created a print profile with this i1-s. It doesnt make any difference either in the print output.

I have tried everything to have control over print output. Thus far its all been one big dud. NOTHING jives. All I want is when I hit print, the print should look like the screen.

if anyone could offer some step by step settings id greatly appreciate it.

OK, let's try to simplify and get on the right track.
First of all, what paper are you using?  Second, since you have a Pro 100 printer, that came with profiles.
Third, lets take a piece of Canon paper and select the correct profile for that paper, and select it in QU where it says Printer profiles; see screen snap.
Now set the driver. Set the Quality to highest it will go,1 is the highest. Depends on what paper you selected.
Set Color matching to NONE/ see attached screen snaps. Paper type and size match too.
Make a print!!!
If we start this way, it will work.   
I realize you  might have some sophisticated paper that you profiled, or the manufacturer supplied a profile.
We will tackle that later after you make a perfect print, this way.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2020, 07:29:33 PM »

Q keeps changing from print to print. It also doest not give me what photoshop does, or lightroom. Q also crops the image when it looks correct on screen. [im using 4x6 to save ink]. I only have Canon pro paper, so the profiles are all in there. The test image is what Jtoolman suggested. it is a 60mgb file.
Is it the profile that controls everything? ..or is Q acting strange?  thanks,  dw
As far as the color and brightness of the print, yes.

If you have the driver set to Scaling, it will chop off a part of the image. (see screen snap) Set that to Normal See screen snap
Paper ? Canon Pro paper.... which one? Glossy N, Pro Matte, Pro Luster, Pro Semi gloss?
All different profiles. All different driver paper choices?
Are you using the regular Canon driver; not XPS driver??
Let's not discuss Light Room etc. Let's stick to getting Qimage set right and your driver set right and get a proper print.
Let's see your QU settings and your driver settings  please.
Posts: 25

« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2020, 11:24:38 PM »

Fred - yes - My interest is getting Q to function. The 4x6 i am using is the Canon 4x6, photo glossy for these tests - says GP-701.I only hve 3 choices for any glossy in the profiles. none of them produce a good print, in fact they are all the same mud color... nothing like the screen. I have the same poor output no matter where it is set "NONE", "let the printer", etc. The closest to a decent print is the Platinum pro profile. it is still way off [If its not like the screen, to me it is bad]. This is the TEST image I am using BTW. I just need Q to give me what I see on screen.  regards.  dw

PS - I think I have the sizing figured out. 

Q keeps changing from print to print. It also doest not give me what photoshop does, or lightroom. Q also crops the image when it looks correct on screen. [im using 4x6 to save ink]. I only have Canon pro paper, so the profiles are all in there. The test image is what Jtoolman suggested. it is a 60mgb file.
Is it the profile that controls everything? ..or is Q acting strange?  thanks,  dw
As far as the color and brightness of the print, yes.

If you have the driver set to Scaling, it will chop off a part of the image. (see screen snap) Set that to Normal See screen snap
Paper ? Canon Pro paper.... which one? Glossy N, Pro Matte, Pro Luster, Pro Semi gloss?
All different profiles. All different driver paper choices?
Are you using the regular Canon driver; not XPS driver??
Let's not discuss Light Room etc. Let's stick to getting Qimage set right and your driver set right and get a proper print.
Let's see your QU settings and your driver settings  please.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2020, 09:58:16 AM »

Fred - yes - My interest is getting Q to function. The 4x6 i am using is the Canon 4x6, photo glossy for these tests - says GP-701.I only hve 3 choices for any glossy in the profiles. none of them produce a good print, in fact they are all the same mud color... nothing like the screen. I have the same poor output no matter where it is set "NONE", "let the printer", etc. The closest to a decent print is the Platinum pro profile. it is still way off [If its not like the screen, to me it is bad]. This is the TEST image I am using BTW. I just need Q to give me what I see on screen.  regards.  dw
First of all, THAT paper is not to be used with that printer. Says so on Canon website. Second, there is no driver setting for it, and there is no profile for it. It is very cheap paper not a Canon Pro paper. So I don't know where to go from here. Again, make sure you are not using the XPS driver.
I don't mean to sound rude or in any way insulting, but 50 sheets of the real Canon 4 x 6 ,is $12.31. .Would probably have saved a ton of ink, time, and stress.
Sorry, Fred
Posts: 25

« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2020, 04:00:46 AM »

Sorry - had to go out of town. I can certainly use a different paper, and I have used different papers [said Pro]. the result is the same even if the profile and paper match. What photoshop and lightroom prints is much different than what the Q output is. Im having trouble in getting print output to even be close to the screen. Doesn't matter the paper I use. Making a profile with the xrite does nothing but waste time. I can find no clear direction as what is occuring.


Fred - yes - My interest is getting Q to function. The 4x6 i am using is the Canon 4x6, photo glossy for these tests - says GP-701.I only hve 3 choices for any glossy in the profiles. none of them produce a good print, in fact they are all the same mud color... nothing like the screen. I have the same poor output no matter where it is set "NONE", "let the printer", etc. The closest to a decent print is the Platinum pro profile. it is still way off [If its not like the screen, to me it is bad]. This is the TEST image I am using BTW. I just need Q to give me what I see on screen.  regards.  dw
First of all, THAT paper is not to be used with that printer. Says so on Canon website. Second, there is no driver setting for it, and there is no profile for it. It is very cheap paper not a Canon Pro paper. So I don't know where to go from here. Again, make sure you are not using the XPS driver.
I don't mean to sound rude or in any way insulting, but 50 sheets of the real Canon 4 x 6 ,is $12.31. .Would probably have saved a ton of ink, time, and stress.
Sorry, Fred
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4286

« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2020, 04:17:32 AM »

It's hard to say whether something is going wrong in the workflow or the settings.  Without being there and being able to go over all the settings, we might need some help from a group that focuses on profiling and getting colors to match.  You might want to join Jose's Facebook group and ask there:


They've pretty much seen it all there and I find in most cases, you'll find someone that was once in your situation and quite possibly, the same equipment.

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