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Author Topic: Have problems using "Send to Qimage" in Windows 10  (Read 4864 times)
Posts: 15

« on: August 25, 2019, 02:06:28 PM »

When I do a "Send to Qimage Ultimate" in Windows 10, the image appears in the Qimage window, but very small (I have sized the prints to 20 x 16).  I then have to do a a remove all, and then drop the same image file onto the Qimage window.  It is now sized correctly.

How do I change the "Send to" behavior of Qimage?

Thanks in advance.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2019, 04:18:17 PM »

Hi Steve,
How do I change the "Send to" behavior of Qimage?
What you are seeing when you use send to is the thumbnail in it's folder.
To change the Send too behavior with QU use the Edit menu-Preferences-When Images are Dropped into QU - choose Add to Queue.
See attached screen shot and note where the dot is.
I'm surprised you are getting two different behaviors with Send to and Dropping the image onto the page.
Try what I suggest and let us know how you get on.

Posts: 15

« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2019, 12:08:10 AM »

Thanks for your reply.  My late reply is due to the fact that I have been out of town, and no access to the computer.

Anyway, I checked Edit menu-Preferences->When Images are Dropped into QU and Add to Queue was already selected.

The behavior is strange, but when I do a "Send to" I get a very small image on the preview window, but when I drag and drop the image, is sizes correctly.

Jr. Member
Posts: 93

« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2019, 12:37:13 AM »

I've noticed something kinda-sorta similar.  Maybe exactly the same.  Attached screenshot is from "Send to" "Qimage Ultimate", but I get the exact same behavior when I open the image via my host editor, which is FastStone Image Viewer.  (I also use Affinity Photo and Topaz Studio 1 & 2, but they can't send directly to QU.)
In both cases, I have to click on the small image, then select a print size from the "Prints" tab.
FWIW, I tried Unlocking/Re-Locking the startup session setting, but that didn't do anything.

~I'm not a photographer, but I play one in real life.~
Jr. Member
Posts: 93

« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2019, 07:04:56 PM »

I'm still having the same problem, currently running v2020.100.  I've followed Terry's suggestion, different sequences, and tinkered with other settings, but I still get the thumbnail instead of a queued image.  In the attached screenshot, QU shows the info for a 16.5 x 10.5 print.  Clicking on the thumb does nothing (unless I click the X  Wink ).

The behavior is the same if opening the image in QU via either FastStone or Windows Send-to.

Any and all ideas welcome.

~I'm not a photographer, but I play one in real life.~
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