Title: Having a Problem Post by: BackdropJunction on July 03, 2014, 01:01:05 PM Hi all. Something in my process went wrong the other day and I'm not sure where the issue lies.
I'm running QI through a MAC with Parallels using Windows 7. Going to an Epson 9900. First problem, I start a print job, it processes, and the machine proceeds to spit out the page size with no printing. In this case a 24" by 74" page. I noticed on a second run that it started processing but said no thumbs were selected which seemed weird because it typically says it is processing a particular file in sequence with what I have selected to print. I stopped this job. Next I ran the job again and found that it stated that it was processing the prints as requested, it then proceeded to print a very small version of the image, and then spit out the remaining six feet of media. Everything looks fine in the print preview box, and I do not recall having changed anything, I used this same computer and printer without incident just a few days ago, so I'm a bit stumped as to what I've done wrong. Thanks for any advice. Title: Re: Having a Problem Post by: admin on July 03, 2014, 06:31:06 PM "No thumbs selected" could be normal: you can have images in the queue and nothing over on the left (thumbnail side) is selected. That message is just telling you that you don't have any thumbnails selected in the thumbnail grid.
What QU version are you running? Regards, Mike Title: Re: Having a Problem Post by: BackdropJunction on July 05, 2014, 12:16:19 AM Mike its one of the older versions. Will have to check when I get back to the office but its been a couple years. Never upgraded as I only really use the program for one thing, which it does quite well. I am also going to try and reload the printer drivers as that seems to be a common first step.