Title: Help - Fit to print size NOT paper size ?? Post by: dan-movie on June 01, 2016, 06:21:36 PM Hi All, new to forum and could not quite find what I am looking for.
I have a Canon IPF8300s large format printer. I created a paper size of 42 inches x 60 inches - all good thus far. I am able to put several 11 x 17 images on the page - still all good. BUT... Is there a way to have each image automatically resize to fit to the 11 x 17 image that is in the template. What seems to be happening is a small cropping of each image to fit the 11 x 17 space which cuts some of them in an awkward fashion. So long story short - I would like a "fit to page" option but for each of the individual images on my large paper just like what exists when you print only one image per page. Thanks Dan Title: Re: Help - Fit to print size NOT paper size ?? Post by: Fred A on June 01, 2016, 07:34:38 PM Quote Is there a way to have each image automatically resize to fit to the 11 x 17 image that is in the template. Make sure the auto crop is turned on.Fred Title: Re: Help - Fit to print size NOT paper size ?? Post by: Terry-M on June 01, 2016, 07:36:45 PM Hi Dan,
Are the crop scissors on or off? - the little scissor icon in Print properties, bottom LH corner. If it is on and the image is not exactly the same aspect ratio as 11x17, then cropping will take place. Take auto cropping off to avoid any cropping BUT the print will not be exactly 11x17. QU does not asymmetrically stretch images to make a fit. I hope I've understood your problem properly? If not send some screen shots and more detail Looks like I posted simultaneously with Fred! Terry Title: Re: Help - Fit to print size NOT paper size ?? Post by: dan-movie on June 01, 2016, 11:19:32 PM Thank you all.
I will experiment with different size images and with different aspect ratio to fully understand the cropping behavior. Dan Title: Re: Help - Fit to print size NOT paper size ?? Post by: Fred A on June 02, 2016, 08:58:30 AM Quote I will experiment with different size images and with different aspect ratio to fully understand the cropping behavior. Dan, Welcome again. Cropping is not a mystery. It can be anticipated. I ask that you play this video and see what choices you have. Auto crop fills out your print size request. I have a camera with a 3:2 aspect ratio. Making an 8 x 10 print will require some cropping if filling out the 8 x 10 is a must. Auto crop fills out that request by spilling some image off the long ends until the short side is filled out. It may not crop exactly where you want, so the video will show you the rest. https://youtu.be/BFwh267tgs0 Make it full screen and HD will be employed I see that this was your second post. Come back often and take part. This is not like other forums that are condescending to users. Bunch of nice folks on here and we help each other. Thanks, Fred Title: Re: Help - Fit to print size NOT paper size ?? Post by: alfajohan on June 17, 2016, 04:49:20 PM I got it
. (http://www.driversdownload.net/canon-ip2770-driver-download-3.html) |