Hi Russ,
New here but there does not seem to be a place to say hello in the forum, I am from the UK but live in Greece
I'm UK resident, Fred is US

Fred has said the essentials, if you want to get into technicalities as to why QU is THE best printing program, check out the web site.
http://www.ddisoftware.com/qimage-u/technology.htmIn summary, rather that the program dumping the data onto the driver like all other programs, it re-sizes (pixels) the image automatically to match what the printer needs for best quality. This re-sizing is done with very advanced algorithms (for more sophisticated than LR) and does print smart sharpening.
QU is really neat for raw images, smart processing and a simple interface for any refining required - plus there's an editor for more advanced adjustments, all of which are "non-destructive", ie. the original image is not changed.
I see many LR processed images at my photo club, I may be biased but mine are as good and often better. Just too many sliders in LR that confuses all but the most advanced users.
You may gather that Fred & I are very keen Qimage users but no apologies for our enthusiasm. We are always happy to help and answer questions. If we get stuck, Mike Chaney, the program developer, will get involved here too.
Back to printing ...
I recently bought an R2000 A3 printer after my 7-year old R800 got rather tired. I have just done a few A3 prints ready for competitions and WOW, you would not guess the one that was heavily cropped, sharp as a pin

Your R1400 is an excellent printer, 6 inks and I know someone who has one - I see great results from it.
Get stuck in with that demo version.
