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Author Topic: Hiti Photo Booth Printer using QImage  (Read 3554 times)
Posts: 17

« on: January 29, 2024, 04:08:50 PM »

Recently I was given a Hiti photo booth dye sublimation printer which is now configured as wireless. It came with a windows print driver and a software print utility. Their print software makes it rather difficult to easily select photos and only recognizes jpeg or tif formats not raw. The printer uses roll papers and only prints 4x6 or 5x7 formats and I thought I would be restricted to their printer software since I thought that only their software would provide the proper communication with the printer. I planned to use the printer as a means to easily and quickly print images of all photos shot - although I do print multiple images per page on the higher end fine art printers, the time per page is relatively long.

So I thought I'd attempt trying QImage as alternative software. I can report it appears to work great! QImage defaulted to the 4x6 roll format automatically and passed jpeg, tif and raw to the printer without any issues. I suspected it would. The raw images can be sent directly since QImage handles it without the need to convert every one to tif as would be required using the Hiti software.

Mike your software always surprises me with its compatibility and functions.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2024, 05:16:33 PM »

Thanks for sharing!  Glad it is working well in that scenario.

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