« on: January 13, 2021, 08:52:23 PM » |
I'm a big fan of Qimage, and it gets used for all photos’ that are printed at home; So far so good. I have a collection of photos which I intend to print at home as an album via Qimage ultimate. Whilst templates are no problem in QU, I’m just wondering whether it’s possible to sprinkle some small photos at various angles to create a friendlier look. Does anybody know of any special effects I could incorporate on the album? Of course, I could use PhotoBox or Blurb but as I’m in lockdown I would prefer to keep myself occupied and do it myself at home. All suggestions welcome. Bill
Fred A
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2021, 09:27:33 PM » |
I’m just wondering whether it’s possible to sprinkle some small photos at various angles to create a friendlier look. Does anybody know of any special effects I could incorporate on the album? Of course, Bill Tilting a photo is easily done in teh editor by changing the rotate angle to whatever you want. Click apply, and done. I set my sample to -15 degrees. Snap 096 Open a new ALBUM by clicking above Open NEW snap 094 We use album so you can draw images from any folder and easily put together with others. 093 gives you an idea to make and name your new album. No time left today. Will finish tomorrow. Fred
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2021, 09:48:15 PM » |
Fred, I was heading for bed when I noticed your reply. How timely. A quick question, what is teh editor? Is there a video or an u tube on albums?
Hope you're going somewhere nice? Thanks for your prompt reply. Bill
Fred A
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2021, 10:07:46 AM » |
A quick question, what is teh editor? Is there a video or an u tube on albums?
Sorry, Bill that was my fault. I should have said IMAGE EDITOR where you adjust sharpening crop and colors. I also omitted the access to the album you are making. Right click the thumb you are going to use, and click ADD TO ALBUM. Use this after youmake NEW album and put your images in there. Fred
Fred A
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2021, 12:26:53 PM » |
Hope you're going somewhere nice?]
The nice soft couch after I eat.
I attached a few ideas in one snap. 1 Tilt 2 Overlap 3 Slant your text for whimsy.
I think you may have given some "Stimulus" for the Forum to create a LOVE CARD for Valentine's Day or Easter. Thanks, Bill Fred
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2021, 10:12:19 PM » |
Hi Fred, I got the tilt and the overlay, thanks. I also discovered cut-outs with some interesting effects. They should come in handy too. Now to albums; I gather that an album is a collection of images which I can add to and recall from time to time. Its purpose, if I understand it correctly, is a collection point for images from different folders, which I recall and use to populate custom layouts. These layouts can subsequently be saved as a job with the objective of creating a photo book. Am I in the picture, please excuse the pun! Bill
Fred A
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2021, 10:59:01 AM » |
These layouts can subsequently be saved as a job with the objective of creating a photo book. I am with you all the way, since a coffee table book will have multiple pages, and the pages should have similar layouts for comfort, save the layout. The only thing I would do slightly differently is to use the ON DECK feature in QU. ON DECK is an album already made for you, and allows you to easily add images and change images right on the main live view screen. Simply right click a thumb that you want, and check ON DECK. The On deck button is green and sits at the top right of the thumbnails. Screen snaps show what to look for to click. Fred
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2021, 03:45:38 PM » |
Hi Fred, I will work through your suggestions and let you know how I get on. I am preparing a photobook of a holiday in Chile 17 years ago. I used a Olympus 4mp camera, all shot in jpeg. When I reviewed the images a week ago I was surprised at the good quality and decided what a pity to leave such memories stored away on a hard disc. That's when I started research on Albums in Qimage. Interesting times ahead. Bill
Fred A
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2021, 04:03:26 PM » |
When I reviewed the images a week ago I was surprised at the good quality and decided what a pity to leave such memories stored away on a hard disc. That's when I started research on Albums in Qimage. Interesting times ahead. Bill Sounds good to me. Remember it's YOUR album, and you don't have to measure up to something you saw on the internet. On the other other hand, I am sort of disappointed that you made no comment on the handsomeness of the couple (He without shirt) in one of the screen snaps. Circa 1953. Fred
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2021, 08:50:23 PM » |
Congratulations to the happy couple. How did I miss that! Ye cut a dash then, and I'm sure if we saw an update ye would still cut a dash. Cheers Bill
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2021, 09:30:36 AM » |
Hi Fred,
I tested the 'On Deck' feature this morning and I can see where it can be beneficial to me in the future. I don't see it as an alternative to the album, but it can sit nicely alongside the album. Thanks for point this feature out to me. Bill
Fred A
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2021, 11:07:04 AM » |
I tested the 'On Deck' feature this morning and I can see where it can be beneficial to me in the future. I don't see it as an alternative to the album, but it can sit nicely alongside the album. Thanks for point this feature out to me. Bill If I may, ON DECK is an ALBUM.You can use it as your album or as a holding bin for images that you are collecting to go into the final album. Either way, you are aware of what to do and do it the most comfortable way that you choose. See screen snap showing ON DECK as an album Fred
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2021, 08:56:16 PM » |
Bill - I have done many albums of this type. While I do occasionally tilt and or overlap photos, I have found that too much of that does not wear well. Varying the size, spacing, open areas and text placement from page to page has been - for me at least - more aesthetically pleasing. Aligning vertically or horizontally different sizes on a page works especially well. Also, two recommended papers - again these have worked best for me - Inkpress double sided luster, or for matte, Moab Entrada double sided, the 190 not the 300 as the latter is too thick for a flexible album page. Mel W