I am adding floating text and then making new photos. But the text is not showing up in the copies. It doesn't matter whether I use the Convert Images dialogue or the Create Email/Web size copies dialogue. In each case I click the Honor print crops and stamps. Must be something I'm doing wrong - but darn if I know. Someone - hit me over the head!
First of all it works here at my house. There are a few settings that you need to check. LINK TO box. Then you need to dot your choice. I generally use "selected" if I want the same text on two, and I hold the CTRL key and select both. If the two are copies you probably want the text in the same place on both. Position one, and QU will ask you what to do with the other one; move the same???
It's sort of tricky to explain, but seeing it is easier.
You can see that placement may call for dragging, and the first click location may make the second text way off. Just drag it . Give it the finger and drag it.
If you want to come over, I'll get pizza.