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Author Topic: ICC and Quality settings  (Read 6158 times)
Posts: 4

« on: February 15, 2019, 09:54:54 AM »

Hi there iīm new with QU and Coming from Germany. I use a Epson SC-P600

My question is:

I get some ICC-Profiles for my likely used paper and the settings for make those ICC is set to 1440 res. Now in all videos is said to sett Quality to the highest res, so is more than this 1440.

All other sources says to get a fit ICC is to use all settings like they where set to make the colorpattern is used to calc the ICC for the printer, the paper and the ink. Do not so , they say, is probably to lower the quality of print use a different setting. Allso i think some time i waste time to use a res i dinīt need for small printīs.

What do you think about my thoughtīs ?

I hope you can understand what iīm thinking about and i dont make whorst mistakes in writing. Itīs ~ more than 35 years since i learned last time English. Speaking mot but writing not.

Have a nice day.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2019, 11:04:37 AM »

Hi there iīm new with QU and Coming from Germany. I use a Epson SC-P600

My question is:

I get some ICC-Profiles for my likely used paper and the settings for make those ICC is set to 1440 res. Now in all videos is said to sett Quality to the highest res, so is more than this 1440.

All other sources says to get a fit ICC is to use all settings like they where set to make the colorpattern is used to calc the ICC for the printer, the paper and the ink. Do not so , they say, is probably to lower the quality of print use a different setting. Allso i think some time i waste time to use a res i dinīt need for small printīs.

What do you think about my thoughtīs ?

I hope you can understand what iīm thinking about and i dont make whorst mistakes in writing. Itīs ~ more than 35 years since i learned last time English. Speaking mot but writing not.

Have a nice day.

Your English is fine. I spent 18 months in Germany in the early 50s, and could hold a conversation, a lumpy one, but make myself understood.
65 years later, and I doubt if I could write a post as good as yours.

So I will try to cover the steps to set the printer and Qimage.
Screen snap 120 below of the driver quality setting.
Max output is huge at 2880 x 1440, using Ultra Luster paper. Always set to maximum, but some high settings are verboten when using certain paper types.
Screen snap 121 shows MODE setting. If you use a profile for the paper and ink, this is set (99.9%) to No Color Adjustment/OFF.
Screen snap 122 is just a reminder to avoid putting any checkmark in the enlarge/shrink box.
Screen snap 123 is showing my Qimage settings tab with input resolution and profile paper type etc.

If I did not hit the proper point in my answers, please do not hesitate to ask again for clarification.

Ps I used an SC P800 driver.as a model/ Didn't have a 600
Ernst Dinkla
Sr. Member
Posts: 410

« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2019, 04:09:29 PM »

Hi there iīm new with QU and Coming from Germany. I use a Epson SC-P600

My question is:

I get some ICC-Profiles for my likely used paper and the settings for make those ICC is set to 1440 res. Now in all videos is said to sett Quality to the highest res, so is more than this 1440.

All other sources says to get a fit ICC is to use all settings like they where set to make the colorpattern is used to calc the ICC for the printer, the paper and the ink. Do not so , they say, is probably to lower the quality of print use a different setting. Allso i think some time i waste time to use a res i dinīt need for small printīs.

What do you think about my thoughtīs ?

I hope you can understand what iīm thinking about and i dont make whorst mistakes in writing. Itīs ~ more than 35 years since i learned last time English. Speaking mot but writing not.

Have a nice day.

Color targets are often just 300 PPI or 360 PPI. While the profile creator documents say to use the same settings in target printing (but CM off) as will be used in normal printing, the OEM printer profiles exist in only one flavor these days. If print quality suffers in the normal setting (300/360 PPI input requested) versus best (600/720 PPI input requested) then you could get bad target patches but that is usually an indication of bad printer behavior and no base for profiling anyway.

In the past there were ICC profiles for different printer quality settings, I recall it for the Epson Stylus Pro 9000, about fifteen years ago. About ten/twelve years ago that disappeared for the printer brands and printers we use with their normal OS drivers and their semi RGB-device ICC profiling. My best guess is that compensations in the printer driver or hardware take care of possible color shifts nowadays and we can use just one profile for a media/printer combination in all quality settings. With RIPs as the driver and their CMYKetc ICC printer profiling it may be different, might differ between RIPs as well.

Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst

March 2017 update, 750+ inkjet media white spectral plots
Posts: 4

« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2019, 10:20:09 PM »

Hello Fred, hello Ernst.
Thank you for your answers.

As you make the snaps iīve done bevore and get realy good results. This ist not the problem
O.K. in the driver of my P600 the best resolution is at quality level 5 5660x1440, but itīs not neceserry to match.

The question is like Ernst explaint: The Videos do say "allways use the higest quality level" and the ICC profile creator recomendet some times lower level.

This different i will understand. So itīs not a problem , the QU works werry well( exept the Auto roll lenght funktion i could not run till now) and i like it!

have a nice day.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2019, 10:36:14 AM »

The question is like Ernst explaint: The Videos do say "allways use the higest quality level" and the ICC profile creator recomendet some times lower level.

The rule, in a clinical sense, is that the conditions that prevailed when the profile was created should be maintained when the profile is in use to print.
i.e Same paper, same ink, same exact driver settings, quality and Color matching OFF, etc.

Some papers, usually matte, will not allow the quality setting to go to the very finest.
Posts: 4

« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2019, 11:50:02 AM »

Hello Fred,

I will say thank you for make it absolutely clear.
So i īll set it like the ICC-profile creator has done while the process for print the measurement pattern.

have an nice day.
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