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Author Topic: Image colors off after update to Win 10 1709  (Read 10295 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 93

« on: January 30, 2018, 08:01:38 PM »

The included screen shots  show the color rendering after updating to Win 10 1709 two weeks ago.  This red flower, a long time test image, is the most dramatic, it sometimes renders as orange.  The problem isn't just with Qimage Ultimate, it's apparent in several other image viewers/editors, including but not limited to:  Zoner Photo Studio, Olympus Viewer 3, Irfanview, Affinity Photo, Topaz Studio.

I've chased my tail all over the web, and suggested fixes don't work (ex., disabling WindowsColorSystem in the Task Scheduler); the one fix I haven't tried and won't is to roll back to a previous version.

The following screen shots show how the colors are rendered differently from within QU:

Scr_01:  Thumb & preview window  (correct color)
Scr_02:  Full-screen display (space bar) (orange flower)
Scr_03:  "Edit Image" (Ctrl-Alt-F) (orange flower)
Scr_04:  "Edit Page" (Ctrl-E) (orange flower)

FastStone Image Viewer shows the colors correctly, thumbs and full-size.  Paint.net shows the correct color.  PaintShopPro x8 correct color.

In my right-click menu (context menu) are "Open with" options for "Photos" (correct red color) and Windows Photo Viewer (orange flower).

There is also a new "Open with" option I've never seen before:  Paint 3D, it renders correctly.  I'm pretty sure this is new with 1709.  Which may or may not be relevant.

I've fiddled with all the Color Management options, checked ICC profiles, turned Nvidia off and on, HP & Wintel drivers up-to-date, etc.

And FWIW, prints turn out correctly.

Any suggestions on what else to try, or what to search for?


~I'm not a photographer, but I play one in real life.~
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2018, 08:59:00 PM »

Any suggestions on what else to try, or what to search for?
Hi George it's just Fred

It sounds just like a monitor profile problem.
Some of those programs that show good and some show bad indicates that some are incorporating the monitor profile that youhave Qimage using and some are ignoring it.
So we have to look at what profile you have selected for your monitor in Qimage.
Did you make it? Did it comer with teh monitor? Do you have a plain vanilla RGB profile in there which is an RGB MONITOR profile?
Have you shut off the profile altogether and see what happens.... and the most important item to do.... is REBUILD SELECTED SELECTED THUMB>

Using the flower thumb as your test, select it, and right click... then click Rebuld selected thumb.  See what you get with NO monitor profile, Monitor Profile ON, and change MONITOR PROFILES  and rebuild again.

You will then be able to locate the bad boy. Maybe it is just a case of rebuilding the thumbs...
See snaps.... 071 is profile off
072 is on.... you can see the difference ... only after a rebuild the selected thumb.

Let us know.

Jr. Member
Posts: 93

« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2018, 11:48:46 PM »

Any suggestions on what else to try, or what to search for?
Hi George it's just Fred

It sounds just like a monitor profile problem.

My computer is an HP notebook, no separate monitor, and being HP, I've done all the "profiling" it allows.  Which means, well, not much.  I use the Ctein method, if the print looks right, I'm happy, and I may or may not tweak the display settings.

Some of those programs that show good and some show bad indicates that some are incorporating the monitor profile that youhave Qimage using and some are ignoring it.
So we have to look at what profile you have selected for your monitor in Qimage.
Did you make it? Did it comer with teh monitor? Do you have a plain vanilla RGB profile in there which is an RGB MONITOR profile?

Two weeks ago, before I updated to 1709, I was happily using ProPhoto RGB everywhere, at least where possible -- only sRGB & Adobe RGB available in ViewNX2, OV3, some others, but it was perfectly workable.  I started using ProPhoto just after I started using QU, about 10 months ago, maybe?

Have you shut off the profile altogether and see what happens.... and the most important item to do.... is REBUILD SELECTED SELECTED THUMB>


Oh yes.  Tried all combinations.   And yes, I did re-build the thumbs.

Using the flower thumb as your test, select it, and right click... then click Rebuld selected thumb.  See what you get with NO monitor profile, Monitor Profile ON, and change MONITOR PROFILES  and rebuild again.

I'm not sure I'm on the same page here:  the QU thumbs look perfectly fine, it's only when I open either of the two QU editors the full-page preview or the "Edit Image" window that  I see the distorted colors (screen grabs 02 & 03 in my original post).  Scr_04 is the grab of the "Edit Page" window, which shows the correct color.  So the thumbs are OK and the Edit Page window is OK, but the full-page preview and the Edit Image window are not.

I've gone through all the tabs on the Color Management settings, including the Advanced tab, turning on/off, changing the settings, different combinations.

Something happened with the 1709 update that is causing the problem.  I thought I'd waited long enough after the release to avoid such problems.  I should know better, I guess.

So in your time zone, Fred, it's after 5pm, close enough for me!  Wink

« Last Edit: January 31, 2018, 03:53:57 AM by JustGeorge » Logged

~I'm not a photographer, but I play one in real life.~
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2018, 09:10:32 AM »

OK George....
The rebuild thumbs not only rebbuilds thumbs but cache files too, so that' why we use it.
OK nice and slow.....
So we have, (just making sure I didn't get it wrong again), wrong colors on the Hover / Spacebar full screen, and the Image Editor screen.
Can I assume we are dealing with RAW images?
One more test
Go into the Full Page Editor. You said it has good proper color.
the Edit Page window is OK
Now click the HQ button and see if the color drops off.
These two images are from different sources.
Next question is what does your settings screen show ? See my sample.

The High quality view is obtained by creating the super High Quality JPG from the raw file (for speed of display), and applying your monitor profile as it is called for to the screen
So either it is using an incorrect profile, or no profile to show those screens.  
Another screen to check would be the Best Shot Selector and the Image examiner. They should show sickly too.

« Last Edit: January 31, 2018, 11:47:48 AM by Fred A » Logged
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4286

« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2018, 11:30:52 AM »

Fred's reply already covers all the points but I wanted to emphasize one thing he said and add one item: please post a screen shot like the one attached to his last post (your display settings) and in addition, add a screen shot showing the whole "Printers and Settings" tab in QU.  That will allow us to see how your monitor is configured in both Windows and Qimage Ultimate.

One thing you said worries me.  You said you are using ProPhoto: where are you using ProPhoto?  Hopefully not as your monitor profile.

Jr. Member
Posts: 93

« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2018, 09:14:39 PM »

Fred's reply already covers all the points but I wanted to emphasize one thing he said and add one item: please post a screen shot like the one attached to his last post (your display settings) and in addition, add a screen shot showing the whole "Printers and Settings" tab in QU.  That will allow us to see how your monitor is configured in both Windows and Qimage Ultimate.

One thing you said worries me.  You said you are using ProPhoto: where are you using ProPhoto?  Hopefully not as your monitor profile.


Hi Mike, thanks for joining in, full disclosure, you may be sorry!   Grin

Replying to (some?) of Fred's queries here also.

I installed the 1709 update on Jan 16, thought I'd waited long enough.  Up until then, I was using ProPhoto for everything, monitor, everything.  When this problem came up, I started playing around with other profiles.  As seen in the screen grabs, currently using Adobe RGB for the monitor profile (various programs have installed various flavors of Adobe RGB, the screen caps show current setting).  (I just tested sRGB2014, no different than aRGB.)

What's driving me nuts is that there is no consistency since the update.  The screen cap of the red flower raw file (ORF) was always red, not orange, in Qimage.  But now it's orange, but it's red in FastStone, red in Olympus Viewer 3 (OV3), a couple of others.  However, in IrfanView (64-bit version), the full-size image is red, the thumb is orange.

Ooops!  Just noticed that the flower raw (ORF, different subdirectory) is now orange, where it was red prior to 1709.  (The red flower is a problem file, especially the red color; it's challenging to make it look better than it is, plus red's have generally been a challenge.)

I settled on ProPhoto because I use Topaz Studio in most of my PPing, and it only allows either PPRGB or sRGB (about 6-7 months ago I was told by Topaz that this would be addressed soon -- apparently they have a different definition of soon than I do!).  PPRGB was consistent from raw to TIFF to JPEG, print or on-screen.  I don't like saving in sRGB because both screen and prints look slightly redder than they should.  PPRGB renders correctly to my monitor, and paper prints look how I think they should look.  Including the PrinterEvaluationImage_v002, which comes in PPRGB.  But as noted elsewhere in this reply, I'm now back to aRGB for my monitor.


Can I assume we are dealing with RAW images?
  Problem with both raw and processed files.  But there may be some inconsistency based on PPing, I haven't really looked into that yet.

2.  Best shot selector:  one red and one orange, in the BSS they are both are red, no orange.

3.  Screen shots show my current settings.

Now click the HQ button and see if the color drops off.
  If the thumb is orange, and the center print preview button is orange, then the Edit Page image will be orange until HQ is selected, then it turns red.  Close the Edit Page window, the print preview image is still orange.

5.  I just started re-building thumbs whenever I open a new directory.  Doesn't seem to have any effect, one way or the other.

I think that answers the questions?  I'm prepared, somewhat, to accept that the problem is with the 1709 update, and will have to wait for MS to do something about it.  Or maybe MS is hoping everyone else will fix their programs so MS doesn't have to?  Naw, they wouldn't do that!

I'm considering uninstalling/re-installing some/all of my graphics-related programs and see if that does anything.  But I need more coffee.


(I think I finally have the attachments ready to attach!)

~I'm not a photographer, but I play one in real life.~
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2018, 09:17:38 PM »

You said you are using ProPhoto: where are you using ProPhoto?  Hopefully not as your monitor profile.


Just want to show you something.
Anyone can do this test
Two screen snaps. Same image.
Monitor profile RGB and a second with Prophoto as the monitor profile.

You can see what the Prophoto does as a ,monitor profile.
The second poit is how you describe the red flower bright red for a moment, and flash, back to orange.
That is saying,, the flower is red, but now I am invoking the monitor profile: oops, orange.

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4286

« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2018, 09:43:20 PM »


Take a look at Fred's screen shots: you'll get (very) bad color if you set your monitor profile to ProPhoto unless you have a monitor designed for ProPhoto (almost none are).  Same goes for Adobe RGB: that only works as a monitor profile if your monitor was designed for Adobe RGB (very few are).  When you pick a profile for your monitor, you should be selecting a profile with your monitor's model number and if you don't have that, choose sRGB.  If you don't see a profile matching your monitor's description or model number, try sRGB.  That is:

(1) Set your device profile in the Windows settings screen to sRGB, and
(2) Set your monitor profile in QU to sRGB
(3) Rebuild your thumbnails after doing the above.

I bet that fixes your issues.  Let us know what model monitor you are using and maybe we can be more specific on the monitor profile.

P.S. If you are using ProPhoto to edit your images, your images will be in ProPhoto RGB and they will look very dull (reds will look orange) in the apps you mention such as Paint Shop Pro 8 that are not ICC aware.  That's why you need a true monitor profile or something that closely matches the monitor: so the monitor can translate from the ProPhoto RGB of your images to the smaller color space of your monitor.  And why only apps that are ICC aware (like QU) can properly display a ProPhoto RGB image.

« Last Edit: January 31, 2018, 09:48:38 PM by admin » Logged
Jr. Member
Posts: 93

« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2018, 10:09:58 PM »

You said you are using ProPhoto: where are you using ProPhoto?  Hopefully not as your monitor profile.


Just want to show you something.
Anyone can do this test
Two screen snaps. Same image.
Monitor profile RGB and a second with Prophoto as the monitor profile.

You can see what the Prophoto does as a ,monitor profile.
The second poit is how you describe the red flower bright red for a moment, and flash, back to orange.
That is saying,, the flower is red, but now I am invoking the monitor profile: oops, orange.


You were probably posting this while I was trying to post my last reply, wrangling the attachments so they would fit, and then waiting for those attachments to upload.  Some of us are starting to experience daytime internet throttling.  Thank you not-neutrality.

I should point out, just so we're on the same page, that the orange-as-red issue is just the most dramatic example; there are also other, more subtle color changes.

So as seen in screens 01 & 02, even with aRGB I'm still getting red and orange with QU, but not with FastStone Image Viewer (which I'm using mainly as a DAM and a simple  -- ? -- way to downsize screen caps for uploading.

I was using Zoner Photo Studio 18 as my DAM, but after 1709 it's gone totally wonky, color-wise, it was where I first noticed orange-not-red (it still has a couple of useful tools I don't have elsewhere, so I'll keep it handy).

Again, with aRGB as monitor profile, IrfanView has similar orange-red color issues.

So, I know it's not just a QU problem.  I was just hoping that you and/or Mike might have a simple answer, based on the fact that there's some inconsistency within QU itself.

I'll keep my fingers crossed a while longer.

And thanks for the continuous help,



~I'm not a photographer, but I play one in real life.~
Jr. Member
Posts: 93

« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2018, 12:47:34 AM »

Okay, it's after 4pm here on the west coast, so I should be able to be on the same wave-length as you guys in the morning!  Cheesy


Take a look at Fred's screen shots: you'll get (very) bad color if you set your monitor profile to ProPhoto unless you have a monitor designed for ProPhoto (almost none are).  Same goes for Adobe RGB: that only works as a monitor profile if your monitor was designed for Adobe RGB (very few are).  When you pick a profile for your monitor, you should be selecting a profile with your monitor's model number and if you don't have that, choose sRGB.  If you don't see a profile matching your monitor's description or model number, try sRGB.  That is:

(1) Set your device profile in the Windows settings screen to sRGB, and
(2) Set your monitor profile in QU to sRGB
(3) Rebuild your thumbnails after doing the above.

I think this was answered by my last post.  Plus see the rest of this response plus screen caps.

I bet that fixes your issues.

Unfortunately, no.

Let us know what model monitor you are using and maybe we can be more specific on the monitor profile.

I use a 17-in HP notebook, built-in monitor.  Sometimes I like to take it outside and work during spring and early summer, mid-summer on only in the a.m.!  The "monitor" is the notebook's built-in LCD screen.   Intel HD Graphics 520.  Bought new Jul 2016.

P.S. If you are using ProPhoto to edit your images, your images will be in ProPhoto RGB and they will look very dull (reds will look orange) in the apps you mention such as Paint Shop Pro 8 that are not ICC aware.  That's why you need a true monitor profile or something that closely matches the monitor: so the monitor can translate from the ProPhoto RGB of your images to the smaller color space of your monitor.  And why only apps that are ICC aware (like QU) can properly display a ProPhoto RGB image.

As a result of the discussion so far, I've set everything up as you and Fred recommend.  Screen caps included, and as can be seen, I'm still having the red-orange problem.  (I'm no longer using PSPx8, but it's still on my computer, "just in case".)  The reason I'm being so hard-headed about this is that ProPhoto worked perfectly fine for 6 months, until 15 days ago; maybe it wasn't supposed to, and Microsoft "fixed it" with the .

As you were sending this, I was composing another response, as follows:

Attached (Geo_color-manage_01.JPG) is my color management settings window.  sRGB Color Space Profile.icm is set as the default monitor profile (after a shutdown-restart).  Screen cap _02 shows available sRGB options.  Please let me know if I should use something else.

As seen in screen cap 01, I've checked the box "Use my settings for this device."  Should this be checked or unchecked?  I've tried it both ways, and don't see any difference; elsewhere on the net I saw recommendations to leave it un-checked.

As seen in screen cap 03, with the sRGB profile, I still have the orange-as-red problem with the raw file.  The red flower showing in the Edit Page (Ctrl-E) window is a result of pressing the HQ Preview Button (the Soft Proof button yields the same results).  I know PPing will influence some of the images, but the raw file should be red, point, period, amen.

FWIW, the Edit Image (Ctrl-Alt-F) window renders the flower as red (not orange).

While I understand what both you, Mike, and Fred are saying, I don't understand why there is an inconsistency within QU.  It seems to me it should be either red or orange.

As I've said before, prior to Jan 16th, there were none of these issues, with ProPhoto everywhere.  I used that red flower image to torture-test different editors (Topaz Studio and plug-ins; Affinity Photo since v1.5-something; Olympus Viewer 3) and print/profile combinations (Canon Pro-100 dye ink printer with Red River Blanco Matte Canvas with Canon Plain Paper media, for one example); also went thru all of the profile combinations.  It was taken last July, and I've gotten to really know what it should look like.  I would have noticed the orange color before the Debacle Known As 1709.


~I'm not a photographer, but I play one in real life.~
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4286

« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2018, 01:28:03 AM »

The orange flower is the result of the thumbnail(s) being old: they were built when you had the inappropriate ProPhoto setting for the monitor profile.  If you go to that folder and click "View" from the top menu and choose "Rebuild Thumbs", those thumbnails will turn red.  The live view and the draft image in the page editor both use the thumbnails.  And the thumbnails are orange simply because your monitor profile wasn't set to sRGB as it should have been when the thumbnails were originally built.

Jr. Member
Posts: 93

« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2018, 03:51:37 AM »

The orange flower is the result of the thumbnail(s) being old: they were built when you had the inappropriate ProPhoto setting for the monitor profile.  If you go to that folder and click "View" from the top menu and choose "Rebuild Thumbs", those thumbnails will turn red.  The live view and the draft image in the page editor both use the thumbnails.  And the thumbnails are orange simply because your monitor profile wasn't set to sRGB as it should have been when the thumbnails were originally built.


Okay, that worked! 

Apparently the Thumb Builder doesn't do this.  I know, 'cuz I clicked "Build ALL Thumbs..." several times today.  So what is the difference?

And:  I change image file locations (directories/sub-dirs) often, sometimes several times/month.  I know this image has been moved at least five times.  So when it's moved into the new location, I would need to Rebuild Thumbs immediately, right?

Someday I'm going to figure out why this was not a problem prior to Jan 16.  But probably not right away.

And thanks,



~I'm not a photographer, but I play one in real life.~
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4286

« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2018, 04:40:42 AM »

I'm guessing you chose "Build All Thumbs/Cache in Current Folder + Subfolders" from the thumb builder menu.  That is there to allow QU to build thumbs for an entire folder tree.  The key being "build".  You needed to rebuild.  That option that builds all thumbs/cache in the current folder tree won't rebuild; it only builds what hasn't already been built.  The purpose of that "Build All Thumbs/Cache in Current Folder + Subfolders" is so you can start it building thumbs in a folder and go to lunch or go to bed while it builds all thumbs from that point down the tree (all subfolders) so you don't have to wait for it to build them in each subfolder "real time" as you visit them.  Sort of a "pre-build".

Jr. Member
Posts: 93

« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2018, 03:04:24 PM »

Thank you, Mike.  I actually had read the Qimage Functions PDF, and didn't really understand it.  Your summary clarified  it.



~I'm not a photographer, but I play one in real life.~
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