Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => Qimage Ultimate => Topic started by: ckaza on July 16, 2013, 05:23:15 PM

Title: Image Info anomaly with NAS storage
Post by: ckaza on July 16, 2013, 05:23:15 PM
I have set up an NAS storage system as a common repository for my photos.  Qimage has no problem loading jpg  and Raw files and showing the camera info with Instaview. However that info no longer appears at the bottom of the screen when the mouse hovers over a thumbnail. There is no problem with files on a hard drive connected directly to the computer. Any suggestions or do I just live with it?

Title: Re: Image Info anomaly with NAS storage
Post by: Terry-M on July 16, 2013, 05:45:32 PM
However that info no longer appears at the bottom of the screen when the mouse hovers over a thumbnail
I have an NAS drive which  hardly use now (it's old & slow) but it still has some images on it, both raw and jpegs.
I just fired it up to see what happens.
 I have the Photos Directory on the NAS mapped to a drive letter and if I access the photos via that drive letter, eg. P:\1-CANON350D_V12_04-05\2012-04-14 Braunston,
all works as expected. Instaview and the Hotbar show the image data.
If I access the photos via the Network, eg. \\Mybookworld\pictures p\1-CANON350D_V12_04-05\2012-04-14 Braunston then I get the same problem as you, no data in the Hotbar.
I haven't a clue why this happens, some weird network thing no doubt. I suggest that you map you photos directory on the NAS to a drive letter and work through that.

Title: Re: Image Info anomaly with NAS storage
Post by: ckaza on July 16, 2013, 05:56:33 PM
Thanks for the quick reply.  Will remap.