Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => Qimage Ultimate => Topic started by: davidh on December 31, 2011, 12:42:23 AM

Title: Image size all wrong
Post by: davidh on December 31, 2011, 12:42:23 AM
I have a downloaded image for a client which is 4313 x 2473 pixels and 6 MB that Photoshop tells me is 10" x 18".
When I load it into Qimage and try to set it up to print at original size.I keep getting a message that the image is too large to print  at original size , on one page. When I finally adjust the paper size to allow setting up to print on one page, I am getting an image size of 25" x 46" at 96ppi as original size.
Confused to say the least!
What am I missing here?

Title: Re: Image size all wrong
Post by: rayw on December 31, 2011, 01:23:27 AM
Hi David,

setting print sizes is explained in a few of the videos her - http://www.ddisoftware.com/qimage-u/learn.htm  look at 2 and 3 I guess.

Best wishes,


Title: Re: Image size all wrong
Post by: davidh on December 31, 2011, 02:06:30 AM
 Thanks Ray,
 I just figured it out.
I found the properties of the sent image in Bridge and it is at 96PPI. Photoshop is set for 240PPI hence the downsize in PS.
Qimage is reporting the actual correct Original size. I took it for granted that the size and PPI in PS was the original downloaded size.
I have so relied on Qimage to automatically do the sizing without having to do the math, that I simply forgot the basics.
Senior moment I guess.
Happy New Year,