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Author Topic: Ink and paper selections for scheduled purges?  (Read 5322 times)
Posts: 12

« on: February 25, 2017, 04:11:34 PM »

Hi All,

I'm just starting to use the purge (unclog) scheduler in Qimage.
I have a couple questions about the setup:

I have an Epson R2400 printer. Since it only uses Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Photo Black cartridges (I do not buy or ever use the MK cartridges), should I only select the C, M, Y, and Black/Grays colors in the setup?  i.e., I should NOT select, Red, or Orange, or Blue, correct?

Also, in the printer properties, should I select plain paper or glossy if I only am going to print these purges to plain paper and am only ever using Photo Black (PK).  (Does that setting somehow invoke PK vs MK?)

Does the choice of paper make a difference?  I've tried using plain paper on both the glossy paper setting and plain paper setting in the purge scheduler setup and the sample from when it was set to glossy paper seemed kinda wet!
Alternatively, should I be using actual Glossy Paper in the printer feed for these purges?

Basically I'm looking for the correct settings when using plain paper for the purges for an R2400 that only ever uses Photo Black.  (or, if I SHOULD be using actual glossy paper, what are the preferred settings for that.)

Thanks for any help!
Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2017, 05:07:24 PM »

Does the choice of paper make a difference?  I've tried using plain paper on both the glossy paper setting and plain paper setting in the purge scheduler setup and the sample from when it was set to glossy paper seemed kinda wet!
Alternatively, should I be using actual Glossy Paper in the printer feed for these purges?

You don't have to actually USE glossy, just "lie" to teh driverm that you are using glossy when you want to run teh unclog including the PK.

I remembered there was a video that touched on how to doit.


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