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Author Topic: Inserting an image into a proof sheet  (Read 10734 times)
PH Focal-Scape
Sr. Member
Posts: 262

« on: September 16, 2011, 09:23:17 AM »


I have an A3 page containing a custom array of 6 rows by 6 columns.

Have added 32 images to the page by selecting the images and dragging to the page.

That worked fine but now I want to insert an additional image within the array. In doing this I want all images after the insertion point to be shunted along the array to accommodate the extra image.

Can that be done?

Additionally is it possible to create a blank cell within the array, again by shunting all images after the point of insertion along the array.



Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2011, 09:43:56 AM »

Hi Peter,

That worked fine but now I want to insert an additional image within the array. In doing this I want all images after the insertion point to be shunted along the array to accommodate the extra image.

Can that be done?

Additionally is it possible to create a blank cell within the array, again by shunting all images after the point of insertion along the array.

After inserting by dragging or clicking the plus signs, if you want to insert an image somewhere in the middle of the array, simply drag and drop it on the already filled location and it insert itself.
You can drag the last thumbnail (The Template) if you want to make a blank spot.
You can even put special text in the template if you wish.
Interesting trick to try too. When you drag to insert an image between two others, if you drop it on the left of center over an existing image, it will take its place.
If you drag it and drop it to the right of center, it will place the new one to the right of the current image.

Another neat way, is to click the tab to show the print queue. Highlight the one you want to reposition, and use the keyboard arrow keys to move it up or down.

PH Focal-Scape
Sr. Member
Posts: 262

« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2011, 10:53:44 AM »

Hi Peter,

That worked fine but now I want to insert an additional image within the array. In doing this I want all images after the insertion point to be shunted along the array to accommodate the extra image.

Can that be done?

Additionally is it possible to create a blank cell within the array, again by shunting all images after the point of insertion along the array.

After inserting by dragging or clicking the plus signs, if you want to insert an image somewhere in the middle of the array, simply drag and drop it on the already filled location and it insert itself.
You can drag the last thumbnail (The Template) if you want to make a blank spot.
You can even put special text in the template if you wish.
Interesting trick to try too. When you drag to insert an image between two others, if you drop it on the left of center over an existing image, it will take its place.
If you drag it and drop it to the right of center, it will place the new one to the right of the current image.

Another neat way, is to click the tab to show the print queue. Highlight the one you want to reposition, and use the keyboard arrow keys to move it up or down.


Thanks again Fred. You seem to be around when I'm wrestling with a QImage problem late at night.

What you described is generally what I had been trying for a couple of hours. So since you said it works I decided to clear the queue and re-build the array. Once this had been done I was able to insert the additional image as required.

Seems the previous job was somehow corrupted. Sometimes dragging and dropping the additional image would merely overlay the present image and at other times whole sections of the array would be duplicated into a second page. Weird.

Your response is appreciated.


Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2011, 10:59:01 AM »

So since you said it works I decided to clear the queue and re-build the array. Once this had been done I was able to insert the additional image as required.

I neglected to mention that I created the array using print Properties, CUSTOM, Enter Number of Prints per page.. 6 x 6

If you inserted the images using the multiple insertion box, (typing in a number into "Copies") as I just did, and then forgot you did a big number in there, (as I just did), the next drag of an image will add the number that was in the box, and cause there to be too many images for the one sheet, and a second page would be created.
I get messed up too!

I trust you did it that way too as there are other ways.

« Last Edit: September 16, 2011, 11:07:14 AM by Fred A » Logged
PH Focal-Scape
Sr. Member
Posts: 262

« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2011, 11:01:06 AM »

So since you said it works I decided to clear the queue and re-build the array. Once this had been done I was able to insert the additional image as required.

I neglected to mention that I created the array using print Properties, CUSTOM, Enter Number of Prints per page.. 6 x 6

I trust you did it that way too as there are other ways.


Yes, that is how I created it.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2011, 11:04:54 AM »

Yes, that is how I created it.

Re-read my post. I added another sentence.

PH Focal-Scape
Sr. Member
Posts: 262

« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2011, 11:09:31 AM »

Yes, that is how I created it.

Re-read my post. I added another sentence.


Ok. My array is with different images.

Perhaps this is indicating an error in the programme?


Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2011, 11:13:40 AM »

Perhaps this is indicating an error in the programme?

None that I can find.
I cannot get anything to go wrong. As you can tell, I was trying to replicate what you said about moving some to page two, but the only way I could do that was to use the "COPIES" box with a number like 12 or more, and then forget that I had set that.
No. I think QU is running fine.

 Shocked Cheesy

PH Focal-Scape
Sr. Member
Posts: 262

« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2011, 11:16:06 AM »

Perhaps this is indicating an error in the programme?

None that I can find.
I cannot get anything to go wrong. As you can tell, I was trying to replicate what you said about moving some to page two, but the only way I could do that was to use the "COPIES" box with a number like 12 or more, and then forget that I had set that.
No. I think QU is running fine.

 Shocked Cheesy


OK then. My copies box only had "1" in it.

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