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Author Topic: Intermittent Print Corruption Problem v2016.137  (Read 7727 times)
William Chitham
Posts: 11

« on: August 15, 2016, 04:13:35 PM »

I am a long time Qimage user, currently on v2016.137 driving a z3200ps. PC is running XP Pro 32bit.

For the past 18 months or so I have had an intermittent problem with prints being spoiled by random stripes or squares of lighter density. This has typically been confined to dark images, especially dark green, and has been rare enough that I have just resorted to Photoshop to print the problem images but lately it is more common and can appear on any image. I have attached a couple of examples from today's work.

I don't think the files themselves are corrupted - they always print fine from PS.
Happens with large and small files.
The problem appears randomly - an image that printed fine on Friday is misbehaving today.
The problem can occur on any paper/profile combination.
I have the spooler set to "Raw Large"
Changing the print quality doesn't make a difference.

Any help or advice would be much appreciated,

William Chitham.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2016, 05:59:57 PM »

For the past 18 months or so I have had an intermittent problem with prints being spoiled by random stripes or squares of lighter density. This has typically been confined to dark images, especially dark green, and has been rare enough that I have just resorted to Photoshop to print the problem images but lately it is more common and can appear on any image. I have attached a couple of examples from today's work.
Hi Bill,
If memory serves, that issue was addressed a while back and the fix was initiated  in version 142.
Updating your Qimage Ultimate to the latest is  always a good idea.

Hope that helps,
William Chitham
Posts: 11

« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2016, 09:50:02 AM »

Thanks Fred, spent the money, installed the upgrade but no joy. The problem remains.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2016, 10:59:12 AM »

Thanks Fred, spent the money, installed the upgrade but no joy. The problem remains.


I passed it up teh food chain to Mike.
We should hear from him later.
William Chitham
Posts: 11

« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2016, 11:31:02 AM »

I have installed the latest version on my more up to date computer, Win10 64bit, and the first print out is fine. Any reason to suspect it is a Qimage/XP problem? Also, is it possible to share a job log folder between two PCs by putting it on an NAS? Sorry if that is a bit of an old chestnut.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4247

« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2016, 12:10:57 PM »

I have installed the latest version on my more up to date computer, Win10 64bit, and the first print out is fine. Any reason to suspect it is a Qimage/XP problem? Also, is it possible to share a job log folder between two PCs by putting it on an NAS? Sorry if that is a bit of an old chestnut.

If you're good so far with the latest version, just keep going until/if you have a problem.  Maybe for some reason, the proper files didn't install correctly the first time and you didn't get the fix but your latest install is fine.  I would recommend activating print preview so you can check the print before wasting any paper, but you might be fine now with the latest version.  If you run into the problem again, just reply here and we'll go from there.

William Chitham
Posts: 11

« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2016, 03:35:36 PM »

Thanks Mike, yes the latest version seems to work fine on my Win10 machine so that is fine for the time being, but the problem persists on the XP machine which is the one I specifically use for printing. I will try uninstalling/reinstalling. Regarding the job log, this is a really important part of Qimage for me, can the same log be shared between two PCs?

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