Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => Qimage Ultimate => Topic started by: rani on March 07, 2017, 03:43:17 PM

Title: Interpolation settings for a target profiling question
Post by: rani on March 07, 2017, 03:43:17 PM
When printing 'Custom Patch Targets' (paper + ink + printer) the recommendation is to set interpolation to "Vector" with a "Recall job" for that matter.

1. Why is it not to turn the interpolation to "OFF" ?
2. Don’t we need to measure the RAW data without any intervention of any kind?
3. If the actual prints will be printed with "Fusion" there will be a difference in the outcome, no?


Title: Re: Interpolation settings for a target profiling question
Post by: Terry-M on March 08, 2017, 08:55:13 AM
Hi Rani
My take on your questions ...
Why is it not to turn the interpolation to "OFF" ?
Because the target print may not match the printer native resolution. Vector is a basic interpolation method and will ensure adequate quality of the print.
Don’t we need to measure the RAW data without any intervention of any kind?
Whatever, the driver will "interfere" with the data for printing that's why you calibrate.
If the actual prints will be printed with "Fusion" there will be a difference in the outcome, no?
The interpolation method is not related to colour accuracy after calibration.

I can assure you, the job "{Q} printer target setup.job" works!


Title: Re: Interpolation settings for a target profiling question
Post by: rani on March 08, 2017, 09:54:00 AM
thank you Terry, I appreciate your reply!
No worries, I know the "{Q} printer target setup.job" works great ;)
Just wondering about things. I like to understand as much as I can of all aspects of the printing process.