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Author Topic: Invalid Floating Point Operation  (Read 32223 times)
Full Member
Posts: 121

« on: July 25, 2010, 07:41:00 PM »

Opened the edit window for a raw image, clicked on fill light, window opened up and clicked on image and received "Invalid Floating Point Operation". Had to cancel out of it once I got that message because everything I tried just gave me the same message.  Maybe I should wait until the beta testing is done.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2010, 08:19:23 PM »

Hi Andy,
Opened the edit window for a raw image, clicked on fill light, window opened up and clicked on image
I don't follow what you were doing here, some comments & questions:
Opened the edit window for a raw image
Do you mean you right clicked with mouse over the thumb and selected Raw Refine? This is what you should initially do for raw images.
The Image Editor, for extra edits opens by double clicking the thumb and should not be used for Fill or WB on raw images - the editor warns you about that.
clicked on fill light, window opened up and clicked on image
That does not happen, no new window opens when using Fill, in either Raw Refine or the Editor, so please explain in more detail  Huh?

Maybe I should wait until the beta testing is done.
I would think Mike has done extensive beta testing but there's always a possibility of a user doing something (quite legitimately) that has not been covered. That's why it's important to get the detail of your problem explained so he can sort it out.

Earlier, I processed about 50 CR2 images, with QU, I took yesterday which included some extra adjustments in the editor (straighten, some additional USM or extra contrast in a few cases) and there were no problems.

Full Member
Posts: 121

« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2010, 08:36:30 PM »


When I add fill light a preview window pops up as it always did in Qimage. I can't remember exactly what I did and I tried to replicate it without success. All I can say is that I can't remember ever getting an Invalid Floating Point error in Qimage Studio. I will most likely continue to use Capture One Pro for Raw. I like it, understand it, and find it easy to use. I don't really understand the "Raw flow" of Qimage and I always convert to the Tiff format in my Raw application so I can do adjustments in Photoshop, and then go back to Qimage for printing. I could see using the Raw convertor in Qimage for casual printing, i.e. snapshot type printing if it was easy to use for times that I forget to put my camera in Jpeg mode for casual shooting.

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4293

« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2010, 08:47:11 PM »


When I add fill light a preview window pops up as it always did in Qimage. I can't remember exactly what I did and I tried to replicate it without success. All I can say is that I can't remember ever getting an Invalid Floating Point error in Qimage Studio. I will most likely continue to use Capture One Pro for Raw. I like it, understand it, and find it easy to use. I don't really understand the "Raw flow" of Qimage and I always convert to the Tiff format in my Raw application so I can do adjustments in Photoshop, and then go back to Qimage for printing. I could see using the Raw convertor in Qimage for casual printing, i.e. snapshot type printing if it was easy to use for times that I forget to put my camera in Jpeg mode for casual shooting.


Why would you only use Qimage Ultimate for "casual" raw printing?  It's going to do a better job printing the original raw file (more accurate renditions) than converting with Capture One Pro first in most cases... and it'll do it automatically without you having to "fiddle" with controls!

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2010, 08:49:44 PM »

When I add fill light a preview window pops up as it always did in Qimage.
OK. I understand, this is in the Editor. I explained in another post to you about the split screen for before & after filtering.
As I said, don't use the editor for Fill or WB of raw images.
I don't really understand the "Raw flow" of Qimage
It is very easy, the point to understand is that there is often no need to convert to tiff or jpeg for printing, only for some really fancy edits the the QU editor can't do.
Have a look at the Guide here http://www.ddisoftware.com/qimage/Qimage%20RAW%20-%20A%20Guide%20R6.pdf
I have used Capture One and other similar converters, but the arrays of sliders make life very complicated compared to QU's (& Q-SE). The initial smart processing and simple refine screen take a lot of beating. I think It makes possible consistent results in the shortest possible time with a simple work flow.

Full Member
Posts: 121

« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2010, 09:10:30 PM »

Can I do a batch convert of Raw to Tiff and will it deposit the Tiff files in the same folder?

Will Qimage let me do a mass adjustment (such as a slight bump in saturation) to all the images and then some individual tweaking on top of that to selected images?

I use Photoshop to edit the image for printing. I am talking about "gallery" type prints that are being printed on a wide format printer (not snapshots of yesterdays cookout or family get together). I don't think all Qimage users are using their cameras only as point and shoot devices. If Qimage can do a convert to Tiff so I can do final image manipulation in Photoshop and the Raw conversion is as good or better than Capture One Pro then I would consider using it for that purpose.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2010, 09:25:46 PM »

Can I do a batch convert of Raw to Tiff and will it deposit the Tiff files in the same folder?
Place images in the queue, right click over preview and select convert. Leave folder bx blank to get new images into same folder. Note all the other options for edits (filter), crops, colour space conversion.
Will Qimage let me do a mass adjustment (such as a slight bump in saturation) to all the images and then some individual tweaking on top of that to selected images?
Set up a saturation filter in the editor with any image that has no existing filter. Then File-Save Current Parameters to File with a suitable name.
This filter can now be applied to any set of selected images, thumbs or in queue, by right clicking and choosing "Predefined Filter", the Qimage Save folder opens, locate your custom filter & OK.
If Qimage can do a convert to Tiff so I can do final image manipulation in Photoshop and the Raw conversion is as good or better than Capture One Pro then I would consider using it for that purpose.
I don't see why not, providing you do not want 16 bit tiff's. Qimage does not offer 16 bit at present - I can see that as a later possibility with QU.

Full Member
Posts: 121

« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2010, 09:43:55 PM »

Thanks Terry. I printed this out and will give it a try in the near future.


Can I do a batch convert of Raw to Tiff and will it deposit the Tiff files in the same folder?
Place images in the queue, right click over preview and select convert. Leave folder bx blank to get new images into same folder. Note all the other options for edits (filter), crops, colour space conversion.
Will Qimage let me do a mass adjustment (such as a slight bump in saturation) to all the images and then some individual tweaking on top of that to selected images?
Set up a saturation filter in the editor with any image that has no existing filter. Then File-Save Current Parameters to File with a suitable name.
This filter can now be applied to any set of selected images, thumbs or in queue, by right clicking and choosing "Predefined Filter", the Qimage Save folder opens, locate your custom filter & OK.
If Qimage can do a convert to Tiff so I can do final image manipulation in Photoshop and the Raw conversion is as good or better than Capture One Pro then I would consider using it for that purpose.
I don't see why not, providing you do not want 16 bit tiff's. Qimage does not offer 16 bit at present - I can see that as a later possibility with QU.

Full Member
Posts: 121

« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2010, 03:35:40 PM »

Where do I save a filter so I can use it again? For example, if I put an image in the queue, double click on it to bring up the editor, bump up the saturation, and then click the done button - where would I save this filter so I can apply it to other images easily?

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2010, 04:03:32 PM »

Where do I save a filter so I can use it again?
I said yesterday:
Set up a saturation filter in the editor with any image that has no existing filter. Then File-Save Current Parameters to File with a suitable name.
Perhaps I did not make it clear, you do this in the Editor window - before you close the Editor.
It automatically gets saved along with all the predefined filters in the Qimage Save folder, you just have to name it - it's one of the Program/Application data folders.
Hope that is clear now, come back again if not  Wink

Full Member
Posts: 121

« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2010, 04:25:20 PM »

I found it. I didn't know where to name it and save it, but found it under "File - Save Current Parameter To File" in the editor. I tried converting a few Raw images and the fill option to adjust shadows and highlights under Refine Raw and it worked better than C1 Pro's similar adjustment option. I might be a Qimage Raw convert.... have to try some more images over the next few weeks.

Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2010, 04:26:45 PM »

Perhaps I did not make it clear, you do this in the Editor window - before you close the Editor.

Excuse me for butting in. I am getting a slightly different feel to the question.
If you changed the saturation and you like what you did, and there are other images that can use this same filter, there are two ways.
If the other images are already in the queue, the, as Terry said, click DONE, and when the dialogue box opens to save the filter, tick the biutton, apply to all!

If on the other hand, you want to save that filter for future use, then while still in that Image Editor screen, click FILE, Save Filter Parameters, Give it a name, and you can OPEN that when ever you want to use it.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2010, 05:08:22 PM »

I tried converting a few Raw images and the fill option to adjust shadows and highlights under Refine Raw and it worked better than C1 Pro's similar adjustment option. I might be a Qimage Raw convert....
I/we look forward to hearing from you again, I'm tempted to say I told you so  Grin
Qimage U/SE raw fill is very good, I would say the best there is. If highlight recovery is needed, just click the appropriate rectangle and then Fill.
If no recovery is needed you can often get the exposure right or reduce the amount of Fill by clicking a particular rectangle; it only takes a few seconds to try different ones.
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