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Author Topic: Invoke old UI  (Read 10460 times)
Posts: 30

« on: November 24, 2016, 01:02:15 PM »

I am having to use Ultimate over Studio edition becuase something seems to be broken with my profile in Studio. However I much prefer the UI of Studio in the setting of print size and borders etc. The Print properties box you have to click on evrytimte whereas it is constant in Studio. Then you have to go to another tab called settings in Ultimate, whereas it was all there in Studio.
Is there any way to force Ultimate to use the same UI? If not can I put in a request to do so?
I am finding Ultimate much slower.

Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2016, 02:00:16 PM »

The Print properties box you have to click on evrytimte whereas it is constant in Studio. Then you have to go to another tab called settings in Ultimate, whereas it was all there in Studio.

I find that the enlarged View of the print preview is extra wonderful, and when you begin to learn how to use QU, you need only look at settings once to verify.
Here's how it works.
As soon as you have everything set correctly, paper selection, paper size, profile, driver settings for No Color Adjustment, quality etc, You click on the SAVE button.
Then Click the "P" button for Printer.
Name your setup.... Example:  24 x36 Epson Luster 7900 (It even saves the Printer)

Next time you want that setuo, click RECALL P button, and select it/OPEN

I make one for many/all my setups, even 13 x 19 Horiz ... and 13 x 19 Vertical

That's' all there is to it.

If you have more stuff like templates with placements or text... then click the "J" button to save as a JOB. All will be saved.

I want to print a 13.60 x 10.60 for a matted frames. I have that saved.
If I want to change the paper from Luster to Glossy, then, I would need to click the Setting Tab and change the paper type.

It is so easy to use, but you have to learn how.

Happy Thanks Giving

Posts: 30

« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2016, 03:49:57 PM »

Thanks. Just not so easy if, like me, you have a variety of photos that you are working through one at a time that you want different sized prints off.
So the answer is obviously No. I'm stuck with that UI.

What's thanks giving?
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2016, 05:05:20 PM »

Just not so easy if, like me, you have a variety of photos that you are working through one at a time that you want different sized prints off.
Yes, we all print different size prints at the same session - for me when I print album pages.
You don't need to go to the settings tab for every print, you can have you page size etc. set and, as already explained, use remove white space when a page is not filled (on a roll)
BUT you don't set print sizes from the settings tab, you do it with the live view open.
Click the "zebra" bottom right of the image thumbnail, this opens print properties, see attached screen shot. Click on the size and the image is added to the queue - and so on for the next image. If multiple copies are needed, that setting is above the thumbs.
I'm a long-time Qimage user too and I find the new settings tab is much clearer, more helpful and certainly not slower.
Remember CTRL F10 changes tabs if you prefer that to using a mouse.

whoops, missed the screen shot, getting old or something  Shocked
Here it is:-
« Last Edit: November 24, 2016, 05:07:37 PM by Terry-M » Logged
Posts: 30

« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2016, 10:17:04 PM »

Yes I realise that but why can;t that darned box stay open? It flies out covers the so called Live view preview that's supposedly much easier to see now its bigger then you have to click it to hide it and so on with every change in size you want to make.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4278

« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2016, 01:17:53 AM »

Yes I realise that but why can;t that darned box stay open? It flies out covers the so called Live view preview that's supposedly much easier to see now its bigger then you have to click it to hide it and so on with every change in size you want to make.

I don't see the problem.  If you click the zebra button on a thumbnail, the sizes fly out to the right and you can just click a thumb, size, thumb, size, and keep going.  If you click the zebra button on a print on the live view, it flies out to the left and you can click on print, size, print, size.  If you have three thumbs and you want an 8x10 of thumb1, a 4x6 of thumb2, and a 3x2 of thumb3:

In Qimage Studio:
- Click on thumb1
- Click to drop down the sizes
- Click on 8x10
- Click on thumb2
- Click to drop down the sizes
- Click on 4x6
- Click on thumb3
- Click to drop down the sizes
- Click on 3x2

In Qimage Ultimate:
- Click the zebra button on thumb1
- Click on 8x10
- Click on thumb2
- Click 4x6
- Click on thumb3
- Click 3x2 (you can double click 3x2 if you want to choose that size and then close the size dialog)

9 clicks in Studio.  6 or 7 in Ultimate.

Posts: 30

« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2016, 12:50:05 PM »

Except you dont have to click so many times in studio. If you keep the print size box always open, like i do.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4278

« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2016, 03:14:33 PM »

Except you dont have to click so many times in studio. If you keep the print size box always open, like i do.

You do in my scenario where you want to add multiple thumbnails one at a time, sizing each one differently on-the-fly.  Each time you move the mouse out of the size list in Studio (to select the next thumb), the size list closes.

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