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Author Topic: Is it possible to add stroke lines around images in Qimage Ultimate  (Read 4872 times)
Posts: 4

« on: January 27, 2022, 10:59:24 PM »

Hello, all!

I've been printing on Canon ipf printers for years using Photoshop and just found Qimage Ultimate (bought it yesterday).  I've been playing around with it and did my first print today.  I love it, and am thrilled to have the access to the auto layout feature, which will no doubt be a life saver (aka time saver) for me.

One feature that I can't seem to find in Qimage Ultimate, though, is a simple line stroke outline of the images in my layout.  We use these in our mounting process to help us align our canvas prints to wooden panels.  What I'd like to end up with is a layout of many images each having a border line offset from the actual underlying image.  On the left, the offset is 0.05in, on the top and bottom the offset is 0.15in and on the right (long) side it should be 0.3in.  I know how to do this in Photoshop but can't seem to find a way to do it in Qimage.  Am I missing something?

The Photo Mat function gives me the end result that I need, but does so by adding solid color which is not ideal in our application.  I tried adding 2 Photo Mats that overlap... one in black and one in white but I can't tell if it's working because I can't zoom in.

If there is a simple way to do what I'm trying to do, please let me know.

Thank you!  So far, I'm loving Qimage!
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2022, 01:23:00 PM »

Based on your description, it sounds like using a white photo mat at the sizes you specified would do the trick.  Set up your photo mat and make the mat color white, then drop down "Cut Marks" on the Printers and Settings tab and choose "Solid Black Line".  If you want to see a preview, you can activate print preview in the driver.

Posts: 4

« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2022, 03:16:35 PM »

Hello, Mike!

Thank you so much for the response!  I did try that earlier but didn't try to actually print with it since I wasn't able to see the black lines on the Print Canvas.  To clarify, you're indicating that the black lines will be around the Photo Mat, not the underlying image, right?  If so, then: yes, this will do the trick!  I'll try to do the Print Preview to verify that it's working as intended.

I love the software and am grateful for your assistance.

Two quick questions while I have you on deck:

  • Is there an option to change the zoom level so I can see the black lines before I do a test print? *and...*
  • Is there a way to upgrade to my Tier 2 Qimage Ultimate license to a Tier 4 license so that I can install it on all my PCs?

Thank you!
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2022, 04:17:40 PM »

Make sure you are using the latest 2022.117: it shows the black lines around the mat.  Previous versions didn't display it but yes, the line goes around the mat.  As for the license, your existing license allows you to install it on multiple PCs as long as you are the only user.  A site license covers multiple users at a given site.

Posts: 4

« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2022, 04:54:35 PM »

Just upgraded and, indeed: that did it!  Thank you so much!

Now I only have one final question (along with an apology for taking so much of your time): I have the layout set to include the file name centered on the image.  I would prefer for this to always be on one side of the image (the side where I have the larger Photo Mat border).  Is there any way to accomplish this?  As it stands now, it randomizes the placement of the identifying text (i.e. filename) based on the way the image is oriented in the layout.

Thank you again!
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2022, 05:35:22 PM »

I would say the best way to do that would be to turn off auto-rotation so the images never rotate and always appear upright on the page.  The auto-rotation button is on the Prints tab below the print sizes.  If that is off before you add images, images won't rotate to try to fill all the gaps on the page.

Posts: 4

« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2022, 07:04:14 PM »

Thanks, Mike.

That definitely does work, though I lose a bit of the layout optimization by forcing the orientation to be 90 deg. Clockwise.

I am way too much of a newb to be asking for software features to be added... that said, a workaround to my issue would be possible if there were a variable location for the file text OR if the location of the file text relative to the image didn't change based on rotation (e.g. if I could start my print layout with everything rotated 90 deg. Clockwise to render the file names in the correct location and then turn on autorotate to achieve optimal layout via your solution to the bin-packing problem without the file text moving).

Again, the QOL improvements I'm already getting are hugely significant and I can absolutely live with things the way they are Smiley

Thanks again!
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2022, 08:06:43 PM »

There is another way to do this, provided we are not talking about layouts of random sizes.  If you have several layouts that you like with certain predefined sizes on the page, rotated a certain way... you can use floating text instead of print info.  With floating text, you can pick exactly what you want, rotate it, place it on the mats anywhere, etc.  You create a layout using templates and mats with the floating text where you want it, then save the layout for future use.

Print info is restricted to printing that info in one location: under the print when viewing the page regardless of how the image is rotated.  This is because with print info, a certain amount of space is allocated under the print vertically on the page.  With floating text, you can design layouts however you like.

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