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Author Topic: Is there an easy way to do this?  (Read 8657 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 367

« on: August 23, 2012, 12:09:32 AM »

I have 46 pictures in queue from a bunch of different folders.  I would like to assign them all the same rating value (in this case 5 so that each will sort to the front of its respective folder) Or maybe there is another way to accomplish this without ratings?  The real issue is that I need to move all of these photos (the ones in the queue) to a new location.  I can't do that while they are in the queue, but by assigning the rating, I can then easily identify them when I empty the queue.  Probably a way to do this that I am missing - Thanks

Mel W - Columbia Md.
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2012, 09:18:14 AM »

Probably a way to do this that I am missing - Thanks

What you want to do is exactly what "Albums" was designed to do.
I pasted the link for the video below that shows you how to make the album, selecting images from various folders.

Basically, you just select the thumbs you want to be in the group, right click, select ALBUM, and then follow the prompts.
You will be asked to name the album, description, and open it...
Then change folders to the next one that has images you want. Select those thumbs, right click, add to Album.
Select you special album and add the images.... and keep on going!
The beautiful part is that it does what you want, and it isn't even using disk space because it is making links.
Use the video to go over the steps.


Notice that the ALBUM I made is named MELW, and there are asterisks indicating that is it an Album folder.

Let me know if you need more.


PS, Just thought of another way.... If you already have them in the queue (as if you had saved the job yesterday, and reloaded it today) you can right click and select all from the right side of the screen, preview panel. Then Right click again, and use COPY. Tell QU where to put the copies, and there you are.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2012, 09:30:43 AM by Fred A » Logged
Sr. Member
Posts: 367

« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2012, 06:44:53 PM »

Fred -

Thanks - as always.  I know about albums and use them a lot.  But in this case - for non QU reasons - I physically need to move the files (has to do with my Rube Goldberg archiving system that I really need to update).  Will check out your second idea later - I usually routinely right click on stuff just to see what's available

Thanks again

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2012, 06:50:50 PM »

PS, Just thought of another way.... If you already have them in the queue (as if you had saved the job yesterday, and reloaded it today) you can right click and select all from the right side of the screen, preview panel. Then Right click again, and use COPY. Tell QU where to put the copies, and there you are.

I physically need to move the files (has to do with my Rube Goldberg archiving system that I really need to update)

Then the above will work fine.

Put them in the queue from various folders, Then Selecy all on the Right Click menu, and again on the right click menu, use COPY and select the destination.

Sr. Member
Posts: 367

« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2012, 08:18:40 PM »


That's definitely it! I think I am having a senior moment here - or maybe just a Homer Simpson type "Doh"  As many times as I use that menu - I don't think I noticed the copy command. In fact, this will really help - more than you might think (in taking some of the Rube out of that process of mine). Will actually e able to eliminate two steps.


Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2012, 09:40:29 PM »

in taking some of the Rube out of that process of mine

As long as you leave the Goldberg!

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