Our good friend Fred recently found his well used and excellent Epson R2000 printer had started giving problems and had to stop using it.
I have the same printer which is newer than Fred's so I wondered if mine was likely to give problems soon as it is used frequently too.
So, we compared our usage - how?
QU, from its automated job log, is able to calculate the area printed and the total paper area (less margins) for one or many jobs.
Open File/Open Automated Job Log ... If you have multiple printers, click the Printed To column header to sort by printer. Select all the jobs by the specific printer , right click and choose Paper/Ink Analysis.
The first attachment below shows the dialogue from the Job Log screen.
The next 2 attachments show the results from mine and Fred's R2000 printers.
So Fred has printed 199 Msq (2147 Ftsq) and I have printed 80 Msq (862 Ftsq). That is 2.5 time more than me so there's hope now for another few years service.
The Ink/Paper analysis is, of course, to help commercial printers to cost their jobs. I recently created a spread sheet for my own work to dispel the myth that original Inks are expensive.
I showed that in my case, ink was 22% of the cost of an A3 print on Ilford Smooth Pear paper. I buy original ink for the R2000 at a very good price (only the R2000 at these low prices, why, I do not know) but at normal prices, the ink would be 41% of the total cost of the print.
My view is, even at normal original ink prices, it's good value - after all a print is made from paper and ink, both are essential and equally as valuable!