I generally like all my data off the main CPU drive and everything is on externals which is backed up. I did see the print to file option, which I might use if I cannot change file location of job logging.
The Job log is the same as saving a Job under save, except it's automatic and has no specific name.
So you can manually use SAVE "J" and name the job with reference to the content.
Also bearing in mind that RECALLING a JOB, calls for many pieces, not the least of which are the images.
So if the images have been relocated, and the saved JOB doesn't know that, well.....
I would make an image backup using a program like Acronis, which puts your entire C: drive into a single file. Then I save that file on an external, and name it.
If you want to use Print to File, that works too.
I just don't see why you cannot just save the 117 images to the external drive?