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Author Topic: Job logging file folder  (Read 7864 times)
Posts: 3

« on: August 14, 2014, 10:44:58 AM »

I have a question whether or not the file location of the automatic job logging can be changed or must it always be with the program file location in c: [main hard drive].

I had the old, old qimage, I'm guessing but it might go back either to the very late 90's or 2002-2004. I lost my license in a computer change, and that finally gave me the incentive to upgrade finally to ultimate. Qimage saved my bacon, I had to print I think around 117 digital x-rays, and if I had to assemble those in photoshop and properly label the images with the file names, it would have taken me forever. For a large project like this, it makes more sense to do it in Qimage. But I do need a way that I can reprint and save the job more reliably than the C main hard drive. I generally like all my data off the main CPU drive and everything is on externals which is backed up. I did see the print to file option, which I might use if I cannot change file location of job logging.

If I use the print to file option, then the file is created - - is the file that is created like any other image that can be brought into Qimage to be reprinted? What happens with the print to file option?

Thanks all.

Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2014, 11:16:21 AM »

I generally like all my data off the main CPU drive and everything is on externals which is backed up. I did see the print to file option, which I might use if I cannot change file location of job logging.

The Job log is the same as saving a Job under save, except it's automatic and has no specific name.
So you can manually use SAVE "J" and name the job with reference to the content.
Also bearing in mind that RECALLING a JOB, calls for many pieces, not the least of which are the images.
So if the images have been relocated, and the saved JOB doesn't know that, well.....

I would make an image backup using a program like Acronis, which puts your entire C: drive into a single file. Then I save that file on an external, and name it.

If you want to use Print to File, that works too.
I just don't see why you cannot just save the 117 images to the external drive?

Posts: 3

« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2014, 12:38:13 PM »

Thanks fred. The 117 images are on the external already. These are small little dental digital x-ray files. Let me tell you, to arrange this many files in a way that makes sense, is alot of work. I didn't want to assemble in photoshop as then I gotta label them all. This is done automatically in qimage. I need to save the assembly as they appear in the qued panel, for later printing in case the original prints get lost (it happens). Printing to a file may the option here - since as you say the job file has alot of information - not just the print. I hate relying on the CPU drive for anything, and I do clone via casper - although this is a new computer and I hadn't gotten the back up drive yet installed to clone to. So at this point, I need to know what happens when qimage prints to a file, and then if I want to retrieve that file to print to paper, how is that done?

if specifying a location for the job folder is not on option in qimage, I'd like to suggest to mike to consider it - and somehow adding that as a preference. This way the job log can be saved to an external and not be tied to the program location. Meanwhile, I'll use print to file method once I understand how i can recall the saved file to actually print it again.........

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2014, 01:06:35 PM »

if specifying a location for the job folder is not on option in qimage, I'd like to suggest to mike to consider it - and somehow adding that as a preference. This way the job log can be saved to an external and not be tied to the program location. Meanwhile, I'll use print to file method once I understand how i can recall the saved file to actually print it again.........

That's what I was trying to say... Saving the job log to another folder location will still require that the JOB can find the images.
Print to file allows you to put (I don't know the size of the xray files or prints) many on a sheet, or one.... set the page size and the resolution... and print.
It asks you where you want the prints to go... Probably a good idea to Print to Tif format.
I  can help better if I knew what your end game prints were. Paper size, print size, bumber of prints per page....
Posts: 3

« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2014, 01:32:44 PM »

Fred thanks for the help. I just tried the print to file and while it works, it doesn't create the nice fonts for the image file info like the original print to file. So for now, I have to be careful of how many jobs I do this way, inasmuch as I cannot specify a file location for the automated job. I would much prefer to reprint from the automated job rather from the saved print file, because I dislike the result for my specific purposes.

It doesn't matter to me that the automated job has to hunt for the original location of the images, as it would be my plan to store the automated job file location with the very same external where the original image files are located. It would work very well, if I could do it.

So mike..........if you could make this an option to specify a different location to hold the automated job file location, different from the actual qimage program location.........yayyyyyy

as an aside, is it possible to simply copy the automated file location (where it is now within the qimage program file) and just copy that file and store on the external as a backup?

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