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Author Topic: Just Got my First Qimage Ultimate (WDIDN)  (Read 39434 times)
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« on: October 08, 2017, 04:22:12 PM »

                                                         WDIDN                   What Do I Do Now

This is a tough question when the User Interface is fresh and new too.
We expect "FILE/ OPEN....and select an image....
Instead we get FILE /RECALL / SAVE/ OPEN ALBUM... Huh?Huh???

Hopefully the next two videos will get you up and running. 
Follow that up with selecting some Challenges from the Qimage Ultimate Challenges section of this forum that will address specific questions.

After viewing the videos here, and your printer is not a Canon, click on the third video which addresses the printer drivers for other brands.

Another option is to ask as many times on as many topics that you have right here on this forum.

If you prefer to get answers via email, that is good too, and even by live telephone.

Hope this section will help you get started into the wonderful experience of producing the highest Quality prints possible.

WDIDN #1   https://youtu.be/QdN9mlnsHRA

WDIDN #2   https://youtu.be/1tLQgEWVTIA

More information for different Drivers and better information..


Please ask questions if there are areas that need more clarification.

Hero Member
Posts: 766

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« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2017, 09:28:24 AM »

Good effort. You must spend a lot of time creating instructional videos.

But, I am afraid if I presented Qimage to our camera club members and such instructional videos to get them going,  I would just get blank faces even though they are faced with expensive subscription PS.

Still I like it an the videos, and they correctly think I am an 'odd bod'

One thing I would add, setting up the print driver and saving for future, just make sure it is the correct setting in every respect other wise error is carried on Ad infinitum.  I speak from experience.

Keep up the good work.


Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2017, 09:53:20 AM »

But, I am afraid if I presented Qimage to our camera club members and such instructional videos to get them going,  I would just get blank faces even though they are faced with expensive subscription PS.

Thanks, Jeff.
This is what I want to know!!!!
Exactly where and what will cause the blank faces??
What did I miss? What did I not explain clearly enough?

One thing I would add, setting up the print driver and saving for future, just make sure it is the correct setting in every respect other wise error is carried on Ad infinitum.  I speak from experience.

To be perfectly honest about the video, Mike also felt that the "saving or the printer setups" at that point was unnecessary.
Qimage Ultimate is smart enough to remember all the driver settings by paper selection alone.

In other words, all I need to do is set the paper to Luster and the profile I select is for that Luster, and the Quality setting is max for that paper, and Color management off, any time I select that paper, it remembers those settings.

I was trying to show blatantly, that you wont have to go through the tedious driver settings again for that setup.


Hero Member
Posts: 766

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« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2017, 02:42:16 PM »

You ask -

Exactly where and what will cause the blank faces??

Answer -

Complete refusal to accept there are progs
other than PS and LightRoom.

Learning the prog via Videos would also be a no go.

I think YouTube videos are a great learning method, I find it no difficulty to flip back and forth from video to program.  The only actual problem is there are so many youtube suggestions that I frequently get side tracked and look at totally unrelated stuff.


Posts: 24

« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2019, 08:25:51 PM »

Would really like a written manual. Videos are a good supplement, but take too long to watch and tedious to search through to find answer to a specific issue.

Jeff R
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2019, 08:51:46 PM »

Would really like a written manual. Videos are a good supplement, but take too long to watch and tedious to search through to find answer to a specific issue.
What Qimage contains for help by Mike is far superior to a drudgery manual.
There are small SPECIFIC videos denoted by a RED V located on almost every screen area that you need clarification.
Look for the red V.

The WDIDN video you show in the subject line was sort of a 'tongue in cheek' simulating panic with a new interface.
See sample screen snaps.
Posts: 1

« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2022, 01:57:02 AM »

I, too, just got this a few days ago. I have been watching the videos, but is this in printed instructions as well? I like it, but want to get to know it better. Using with an old Canon 9000 Mark II and with a new Epson ET 8550. Purchased under the influence of Jose Rodriguez.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2022, 07:54:49 AM »

I, too, just got this a few days ago. I have been watching the videos, but is this in printed instructions as well? I like it, but want to get to know it better. Using with an old Canon 9000 Mark II and with a new Epson ET 8550. Purchased under the influence of Jose Rodriguez.

Please let me/us welcome you to Qimage and this great forum. This is a great place to ask and learn as each of us has been brand new and in wonder confusion too. Just  ask....   and bear in mind that many times, Mike, the author of Qimage will jump in and answer too.
I just got a new 8550 also. Isn't that automatic tray opening creepy?
As to printed instructions, over the years, Qimage has grown and matured, and an outdated printed Help file is obsolete. Instead Mike makes on point videos. These are marked throughout Qimage with a RED "V".. I too, like printed instructions better, but logistically, not so easy to keep up.
The answer: Jump in here and ask, ask anything even what you might think is simple and you are shy to ask again.
Plenty of nice folks on here to answer...
PS Mike is going to be on Jose's stream on Sunday at 1:00pm EST

PS2  Did you figure out where they store the plain copy paper in that 8550?  I had to get help for that??

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