Title: Layout w/6-up: margins, space between: lost in "print-to-file" process. Post by: Gordo on March 24, 2015, 07:51:43 PM Layout: Page size 7.147 x 6.897 6-up w/ 220,220,220 background, with specific margins & space between (.16).
In the "Print To File Setup" dialog, I don't change the above Page W or H. Res. 72, Adobe & the "Don't change print sizes" is checked. Then clicking "OK", the Page changes to 6.900 x 7.150 & the background is lost, & space between & margins changed. I have prepared those original layout parameters for a 7 page product web site. 72ppi jpg. What's up? Help, Please Gordo Title: Re: Layout w/6-up: margins, space between: lost in "print-to-file" process. Post by: Fred A on March 24, 2015, 09:06:52 PM Quote Layout: Page size 7.147 x 6.897 6-up w/ 220,220,220 background, with specific margins & space between (.16). In the "Print To File Setup" dialog, I don't change the above Page W or H. Res. 72, Adobe & the "Don't change print sizes" is checked. Then clicking "OK", the Page changes to 6.900 x 7.150 & the background is lost, & space between & margins changed. I have prepared those original layout parameters for a 7 page product web site. 72ppi jpg. What's up? Help, Please Gordo So far, it seems like all that is happening is that Print to File is making the print to file page the size of the printable are of the page size you declared; 7.147 x 6.897. Then you say, 6 up. What does that refer to? What size prints on the page? When you tick Don't change print size, that means don't change print size. You say space between... what? We spoke on the phone, and I explained the difference between page size and printable area... Need information to proceed. Page color sticks fine. print size is fine. Fred Title: Re: Layout w/6-up: margins, space between: lost in "print-to-file" process. Post by: Gordo on March 24, 2015, 10:23:00 PM Fred - thanks for the reply,
R2400 - Printer paper 7.375 x 7.125. 6-up 2x3's w/.03 & .06 borders = 2.18 x 3.18 with .16 space between & .16 margins TBLR.....which adds to the 7.147 x 6.897. At the top of preview: "Page: 7.147 x 6.897 (720 x 720)" That's almost precisely the inch size of the 230,230,230 background.....exactly what I'd like to see on a web page. Not what my second para of 1st post describes. The R2400 has non-printable areas TBLR on the shy side of .125 Which I've been aware of in this project - and always (since 2/8/2008 $610.) :-) :-( Note printer paper size above. Those "Print-To-File" guys have messed with the .16 spacing between photos, & the .16 margins all around (TBLR) of the montage, and eliminated the 230,230,230 background of the whole page. G. Title: Re: Layout w/6-up: margins, space between: lost in "print-to-file" process. Post by: Fred A on March 25, 2015, 10:49:22 AM Quote At the top of preview: "Page: 7.147 x 6.897 (720 x 720)" That's almost precisely the inch size of the 230,230,230 background... I don't know what this means? Quote R2400 - Printer paper 7.375 x 7.125. 6-up 2x3's w/.03 & .06 borders = 2.18 x 3.18 with .16 space between & .16 margins TBLR.....which adds to the 7.147 x 6.897. I don't know what this means. Max printable area is 7.147 x 6.897... so what adds to it? Here's what I get I set your page size to 7.375 x 7.125... leaving me a printable area of 7.147 x 6.897 Now I add 6 vertical 2 x 3 prints, and add to them, 2 borders with a combined width of .09 inches, which when they surround the 2 x 3, the 2 x 3 becomes 2.18 x 3.18 I add the gray page color, and I print to file. Works perfectly!! See screen snap. Here's where you lose me. Automatically, Qimage spaces the images properly for evenness . So automatically, by arithmetic, I get a left margin of .27 and a right margin of .27. Add 3 images of 2.18 inches wide (6.54) and I get used width of 7.08, leaving unused space at .067 inches.. I need space between image 2 and three, and another between image one and two. My left over space to work with is 0.67 inches..... splitting that for the needed spaces between Image 1 & 2 and 2 & 3, the spaces are going to be 0.032 inches Hope this helps Fred Title: Re: Layout w/6-up: margins, space between: lost in "print-to-file" process. Post by: Gordo on March 25, 2015, 08:47:36 PM Fred,
Please note my problem in subject line of thread & in previous text: First: My problem is not the creation of a new layout with different specs. (your attachments). Second: The problem is: With my job on screen, I select "Print to File". It then drops the 230,230,230 background & the .16 spacing I have specified. and replaces with its own spacing, etc., characteristics. Note, We both have used Paper: 7.375 x 7.125. Page: 7.147 x 6.897 and stayed within those dimensions. What is your result when you go thru "Print To File". My job is blown up in "Print-To-File". Perhaps Mike has the answer: Does the "Print To File" process drop/modify some of QU's specs? Thanks again, Gordo |