Title: Lightroom plugin and LR softproof copies Post by: David Eckels on August 30, 2020, 04:08:52 PM New to the forum and very much liking the capabilities of QU.
After creating a soft proof version of an image in LR (classic) and clicking on the QU plugin under File>>Plug-in Extras, is the "soft proofed" version transmitted to QU? Right clicking on the image in QU Live View shows the original filename for the image. Title: Re: Lightroom plugin and LR softproof copies Post by: admin on August 30, 2020, 06:25:07 PM The simple answer is yes.
To understand why (and to be syntactically correct), there is no such thing as a "soft proofed version". Soft proofing is a screen simulation showing an estimation of what your print would look like given the printer and printer profile chosen. Soft proofing has no effect at all on your image. If you make edits to the image based on what the soft proof looks like, it may cause you to edit your image differently than without a soft proof but it's the edits that actually change the image: and those edits transfer if you use the plugin. You can also soft proof that same image in Qimage to see the results just as you did in LR. Regards, Mike Title: Re: Lightroom plugin and LR softproof copies Post by: David Eckels on August 30, 2020, 08:12:53 PM Thanks for the rapid reply, Mike.