Wow, I found it and fixed it but this is a strange one. To get it to happen, you have to:
(1) Have the full page editor open but small enough so you can see some of the main window behind it.
(2) Drag the zoom lever on the cropping tool.
(3) Just as you release the zoom lever, you have to move your mouse cursor quickly off the page editor and over the thumbnails, and then out of the thumbnails before the crop can redraw on the page editor window. Or... move the zoom lever and before releasing the mouse while you are moving the zoom lever, move your mouse out of the full page editor window onto the preview page on the main window in the background and THEN release the mouse.
Obscure things like that are difficult to find by beta testers and that's the type of thing that makes it through the debugging process.
I don't have to do any of those things.
I just add the image to the queue.
double click below it.
The FPE opens.
I just move the mouse over the zoom slider and get the error - not even necessary to click.
Clicking on high precision crop or test strip or cancel crop also gives the error.
I normally have the FPE at less than full screen as it doesn't fill the monitor anyway but I tried it with the monitor dragged to full size at it makes no difference.
Additional Info.
I have dual Dell 24" monitors.
Both monitors are at 1920x1200 using Geoforce 8800 graphics cards (2) driver 196.21
QU opens on monitor 2. FPE opens on monitor 1.
I use a dual monitor management utility called ultramon which adds some extra contols to windows to move and resize them. (just noticed it doesn't add them to QU or the FPE or Qimage.
I also use a utility called Desktop rover which is a sort of virtual KVM (allows me to use my desktop mouse and keyboard with my laptop and cut and paste from the laptop to the desktop.