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Author Topic: List Iindex out of Bounds  (Read 21198 times)
Posts: 9

WWW Email
« on: July 26, 2010, 10:54:10 AM »


I'm a long term qimage user now trying ultimate.

Windows 7 64 bit with 6gb memory several terabytes of disk storage.m,rogers

If I add an image to the queue then click to open the full page editor then attempt to zoom the image to crop it I get the list index out of bounds error as attached.

The image is set to print full page borderless A4 to a canon MP610 MFP.

The original is a Cannon 50D raw image.

Easily repeatable the error message will eventually clear to allow cropping by random clicking.



The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2010, 12:54:11 PM »

Hi Mark,
I just tried to repeat the problem here but cannot. Epson printer and a 350D CR2 image on XP 32bit.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4279

« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2010, 01:13:22 PM »

Not able to repeat that either at the moment.  Can you think of anything else you did before going to the page editor?  The things you clicked just before going into the page editor or even where you moved the mouse just before going to the page editor might be the key.  I've tried all clicks and movements that I can think of and it doesn't do that here so I'm thinking your sequence might just be a little different than mine.  Trying to replicate it but I might need more details if you can provide them.

Sr. Member
Posts: 440

« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2010, 01:27:46 PM »

Hi Langstone,

I had exactly the same error message in the hour or so that I played with qiu. I cannot remember the exact details of what caused it, but I sort of expect this sort of thing to happen, so didn't take much notice. However, I think it occurred when I had opened the fpedit window, then moved the cursor back over to the page view screen. Iirc the fpe window disappeared, but was not closed down. It later reappeared, and so did that message when I tried to do something in the fpe. There will inevitably be 'unintended features' in the first few releases of any software - it's just the way it is. I expect Mike will do his best to fix it.

If I still had qiu installed, I expect I could replicate this, and discover more 'problems', too. It's a general principle these days, to fix bugs after the software release, not before. If you tried to fix 'em all before release, you'd never release, and in any case many bugs will not even be found by users, so why bother fixing them?

Best wishes,

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4279

« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2010, 04:17:06 PM »

If I still had qiu installed, I expect I could replicate this, and discover more 'problems', too. It's a general principle these days, to fix bugs after the software release, not before. If you tried to fix 'em all before release, you'd never release, and in any case many bugs will not even be found by users, so why bother fixing them?

You make it sound like a conspiracy, which it is not.  Fact is, all software has bugs and the number of bugs will increase with major revisions and initial releases of new software.  I don't know of anyone who releases software with known bugs.  At least I don't.  But it is inevitable that people will find some that the beta test group didn't find as different people do different things with different procedures.  FWIW, for the amount of work that went into Qimage Ultimate and the fact that underneath, it has a lot of all new code, it looks pretty darn clean to me with just some minor issues which, as you know, will all get fixed in the next few days.

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4279

« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2010, 04:47:51 PM »

Wow, I found it and fixed it but this is a strange one.  To get it to happen, you have to:

(1) Have the full page editor open but small enough so you can see some of the main window behind it.

(2) Drag the zoom lever on the cropping tool.

(3) Just as you release the zoom lever, you have to move your mouse cursor quickly off the page editor and over the thumbnails, and then out of the thumbnails before the crop can redraw on the page editor window.  Or... move the zoom lever and before releasing the mouse while you are moving the zoom lever, move your mouse out of the full page editor window onto the preview page on the main window in the background and THEN release the mouse.

Obscure things like that are difficult to find by beta testers and that's the type of thing that makes it through the debugging process.

Sr. Member
Posts: 440

« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2010, 05:11:41 PM »

Hi Mike,

Not meant to sound like a conspiracy on your part, just a statement of fact. Microsoft and others release software with known bugs. It's a marketing/date thing. Release dates have to be met, they prioritise the 'seriousness' of the bug fixes, and lesser ones do not get fixed until a few users find them to be a problem. It sort of sets a low standard. You have more control than that, but as software gets more complex, e.g. you add additional features to an existing framework, as you know, more chance for all test paths not to be tested. No way you can find 'em all, unless you spend loads of time/money in doing so.

Personally, I think you are unlikely to find more than a half a dozen fixes required, since qiu appears to have a much 'cleaner' gui than studio, much less duplication of controls, etc. and has presumably been designed to incorporate all of it's features, unlike studio, which I guess just had these features added to the original printer side of things. I've a feeling the studio code became a bit of a 'rat's nest'.

Now all you've got to do is market qiu - pity you've not got the budget of Apple, say Cheesy.

Best wishes,


ps I wrote this before you 'found it', but you get it anyway Wink
Posts: 9

WWW Email
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2010, 06:55:30 PM »

Wow, I found it and fixed it but this is a strange one.  To get it to happen, you have to:

(1) Have the full page editor open but small enough so you can see some of the main window behind it.

(2) Drag the zoom lever on the cropping tool.

(3) Just as you release the zoom lever, you have to move your mouse cursor quickly off the page editor and over the thumbnails, and then out of the thumbnails before the crop can redraw on the page editor window.  Or... move the zoom lever and before releasing the mouse while you are moving the zoom lever, move your mouse out of the full page editor window onto the preview page on the main window in the background and THEN release the mouse.

Obscure things like that are difficult to find by beta testers and that's the type of thing that makes it through the debugging process.



I don't have to do any of those things.

I just add the image to the queue.

double click below it.

The FPE opens.

I just move the mouse over the zoom slider and get the error - not even necessary to click.

Clicking on high precision crop or test strip or cancel crop also gives the error.

I normally have the FPE at less than full screen as it doesn't fill the monitor anyway but I tried it with the monitor dragged to full size at it makes no difference.

Additional Info.

I have dual Dell 24" monitors.

Both monitors are at 1920x1200 using Geoforce 8800 graphics cards (2) driver 196.21

QU opens on monitor 2. FPE opens on monitor 1.

I use a dual monitor management utility called ultramon which adds some extra contols to windows to move and resize them. (just noticed it doesn't add them to QU or the FPE or Qimage.
I also use a utility called Desktop rover which is a sort of virtual KVM (allows me to use my desktop mouse and keyboard with my laptop and cut and paste from the laptop to the desktop.
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